Saturday, February 13, 2010

Part 19-*

Y'all Might hate me For it =P.. Enjoy

Something’s wrong. I’ve been sitting in the same place for 2 hours, he hasn’t called, hasn’t texted, it was very weird. I can feel it; something was wrong. We were supposed to meet half an hour ago, he didn’t show up. His mobile is off. My heart is racing; I can feel the sweat on my forehead, my face burning up. Am I worried? No, I’m Terrified! Where could he be? Did he forget that he was supposed to pick me up? No, no way he never forgets! Suddenly, out of nowhere, My Blackberry starts Ringing. *weird number* I thought to myself. I don’t usually answer weird number, but I got this unbelievable feeling that I have to answer this one. I answered.

“Aloo” I said still terrified, I felt like something really bad was about to happen.

“Il salaam 3laaikm, m3ay Hind AlX?” The voice Said, with a very serious tone.

“Haih n3am, mnoo m3ay?” I replied, as I started to get even more worried.

“Ism7eeli i5ty abali’3ch, raylich sawa 7adeth mn shwai, w hoo al7een fel 3naya il morakaza fe mstashfa Rashid” Everything after that faded away.

My whole world fell apart, my heart shattered into million bits. The warm tears suddenly felt like they belong on my face. I couldn’t feel anything around me; I couldn’t see what’s in front of me. I just ran to the car since I had my license now. I let out a loud scream as soon as I sat in it. I drove as fast as I can to the hospital. And as soon as I got there, I parked in the nearest empty park I could find, n just sat there. In shock. I threw my tears off my face and took a deep breath in disbelieve. I got out of the car and ran to the counter and asked the woman about mayed. She showed me the way to his room. I started running as fast as I can to the room and when I got there, I just froze. I stared at the door and tears started pouring down my face. I put one hand on the door, and I suddenly felt his pain. This gush of emotions moved right through me. When a sudden touch on my shoulder startled me. I turned around to see the doctor standing right behind me.

“Mrs. AlX?” he asked.

“Yeah” I replied whipping my tears off my face.

“Your Husband is in a really tough position, his accident really affected his spinal cord, and unfortunately he has only 20% of regaining his ability to walk, I’m sorry” he said with a sad tone.

“No, please tell me you are messing with me. PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS ALL A PRANK!” I said while shaking the doctor n screaming.

He placed his hand on my shoulder and Said “I’m Sorry” And Left.

All I was left with was pain, heartache, and Misery. I turned to face the door; I slowly placed my hand on the knob and opened the door. The pipes sticking through his body, were like knifes sticking through my heart. Didn’t know how to think, didn’t find enough oxygen to breathe. I wanted to be in his place, I wanted to be the one who was in that accident, NOT HIM!! I walked slowly towards the bed, and grasped his hand tenderly.

“You promised never to leave me, you promised to stay by my side till the end of time, you promised that our wedding will be the biggest wedding anyone had ever witnessed. YOU PROMISED! You cant leave me now, please don’t. I need You, Plz. I need you so much” I started pleading as I kissed his hand. Tears rolling off my face and landing on his palm.

Three days passed with no news, no movement, no improvement. I wouldn’t leave the side of his bed, his hand, the sight of his face. I brushed my finger gently on his face, and kissed his cheek. “Come on Mayed, you’re stronger than this, I know you are. You can’t leave me. Everyone lost hope, but I didn’t. I simply know that you are stronger than this and that you’ll wake up. I need you to!”. I felt a sudden twitch in his hand. I looked at him very slowly hoping that that twitch was a sign that he is waking up, I stared at him for 2 whole minutes. Then, the most gorgeous face I had ever layed eyes on moved. He struggled to open his eyes, and to move his lips to talk but no point. I craved for his voice. I needed to hear it, I needed him to tell me that everything will be alright. I put my palm gently on his face, that’s when he moved his hand and placed it over mine on his face.

“You’re here.” He said in a jaded voice.

“Of course babe, I promised not to leave you, didn’t I?” I replied with tears filling my eyes.

“I’m so sorry; I’m very late to pick you up. I couldn’t wait to see you; I couldn’t wait to see those eyes, this nose, and those lips. I sped up, n all this happened. I’m sorry!” He turned his face the other way so he wouldn’t have to face me.

I Held his face, and turned it back to me. “Don’t you ever do that to me again!” I said while crying.

“I Love you babe” he brushed his finger across my face to wipe my tears.

“I’m crazy about you 7yati.” He gave me the smile I’ve been longing to see, the smile that kept me strong all this time.

After talking for a while, we heard a knock on the door. The doctor came in with a big smile on his face.

“Hello Mr. sleepy, you got the misses here all worried about you. You know, if you wanted attention you could’ve just got her flowers” we all laughed after being miserable for so long.

“Mr. AlX, now that you woke up, we have to do a couple of tests to see that you are completely fine. Because, the accident like I told your wife affected your spinal cord in a bad way. Unfortunately you have only 20% of regaining your ability to walk. So, let’s get you started for check up. And Mr. AlX would you like to wait outside a bit?” The doctor said, very confident.

“Ok, I love you baby” I Said as I looked at my husband.

“Love you too 7beebty” he winked at me, and turned to see the doctor.

After 30 long minutes of waiting the doctor came out of the room and came to talk to me. I couldn’t tell whether it was good or bad news from his expressions, his face was so still.


  1. Couldn't u finish it without drama =p?
    Haha, loved it <3!
    Can't wait 4 your finale ..

  2. Omg zagoOooh !! Laaaish !! 7raaam 3laaaaich !!
    I cnt belive it !!! Laish chi sawaaitii !!
    Its a sad ending right !!! :'(

    I hate yew !!! T.T aba maayed !!

    Pleeeez nxt post faaast !!!

  3. ma3laih ma3laiih
    20% is good enough
    mabaystweebeh shay
    ana glt =@

  4. Awwwwwwww <3 ~

    Nice Dramatic Effect ! ~ i actually thought for a sec he would die ! ;O
    <3'ed it Babe !

    * TATTZ !!!

  5. aaaaaaaaaaaaah <3
    bs mayed must walk =p


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