Sunday, February 14, 2010

Part 20-* (FINALE)

Hey, just wanted to thank all the people who encouraged me to finish my story. This is the finale, and i asure you i woll not stop writing .. wait for ma next story.. Love you all (L) thnxx again .. & enjoy.. (L)

After 30 long minutes of waiting the doctor came out of the room and came to talk to me. I couldn’t tell whether it was good or bad news from his expressions, his face was so still. I wanted to read his expressions so badly so that I wouldn’t get shocked or anything. Finally, he stood in front of me.

“Mrs. AlX, I can honestly say that throughout my whole life as a doctor, I have never seen someone so determined to get healed like your husband. When I asked him for a reason he said that he just wants to see the smile upon your face again, And that he wants you to be happy with him. I really wish you the best of luck in your life. Owh and I did all the necessary tests for your husband and he will be able to walk by tomorrow, he just needs to rest” he said with a smile looming on his face.

“Omg, really?! Thanks a lot doctor!!” I said thankful

“No worries, am just doing my job here.” He said as he left.

I turned around and faced the door with a wide grin on my face, I entered the room and kissed mayeds forehead. “Did you hear the good news?”

“Yeah I heard babe, come here” He put out his arm. I walked as fast as I can to his bed, and just laid there next to him. My head on his chest, so I could hear every heart beat, and remind myself that everything’s amazing while I’m with him. His arms around me, protecting me from everything in this world. There we were Me, Mayed, and his heart beats. And before I knew it I fell asleep in his arms.

1 Year Later ~

There I was standing in what I never saw myself in. A white dress, as white as a pure soul could be. I gazed at myself in the mirror, admiring the work done by the professionals that made me look flawless. My hair looked perfect, my makeup was more than amazing, and my dress, well my dress needs a whole story that talks about it. I felt scared, this is it. This is the night where everything happens. I’d be leaving home tonight, a place I lived in my whole life, to go live with the love of my life under one roof, and make a family of our own. Tonight, I would sleep with his arms around me, holding me tight. Tonight, everyone would start thinking of me as a grownup, a woman. I turned around as soon as I heard the knock on the door. My mother, 7mdoh, and 79a barged in like I wasn’t even there, n they all froze. My mother’s eyes were filled with tears the moment she laid eyes on me. And well, my sister and my best friend stood there looking at me like they’ve just seen a ghost. They all came up to me and gave me a group hug, which made me feel a bit relaxed.

“Mom come on, you’ll ruin your makeup” I said while wiping her tears.

“I can’t help it, you look too pretty. Mashalla, Allah yb3ed 3anch il 7sad.” She started mourning.

“Mama 7abeebty, it’s not like you’ll never see me again, bayee ba7shrch kilyoum fel bait, w I’ll get my kids to annoy you with me.” I said, laughing at how my mom was so dramatic about it.

She gave me a light hit on my shoulder. My mom n I are very close even though I was the younger daughter. “Stop laughing, it’s not funny you’re getting married and leaving me alone at home” she cried even harder.

“E7M E7M, and where was I exactly gonna live?” said 79oo9, with an annoyed expression on her face.

“Owh I mean, leaving me with 79a at home” She corrected. We all laughed about it. I helped my mother fix her makeup and hair after all the drama she did.

“We’ll come back to get you down when it’s time” said 7amdoh, followed by a very tight hug.
“’okay” I hugged her back.

They left, and I sat there thinking. Wondering, how will my prince look tonight? Will this night be exactly as I imagined it, Or would it turn into total chaos? *hopefully not* I thought to myself. I started flipping through the magazines I found on the table just to pass time, and before I knew it half an hour had passed, it was now 10:15pm. There was 2 knocks on the door and then I heard my sister say “Its time!” Omg, this is it. I got up, got my final look in the mirror and open the door. I took a deep breath and started walking slowly until I faced the door of the hall. The hall, in which all my dreams will come true. The doors gradually opened, for me to see that gleam that was concentrated on me. I couldn’t see the place, everything around me was vague. Until I moved forward, Everything started getting clearer, my mother standing right in front of me crying *as usual* my sister and 7amdoh helping me with my dress. And I suddenly realized, am scared. What if I Trip over a wire or something? What if mayed doesn’t like the way I looked? I felt this sudden urge to cry. The music filled the hall with emotions. Every woman in the place whispered to the one next to her, every single eye was looking at me, and only me. I felt like I owned the place, like I was the queen. It was perfect.

Everything went by smoothly, with no problems none what so ever, and I couldn’t wait for the time to see him. My friends came up to me and started chatting and making fun about the fact that I’m not free anymore, n I can’t do whatever I want. We all laughed and enjoyed ourselves. While everyone ate dinner, n talked, 7mdoh came and sat with me for entertainment. After dinner, my sister told me that he’s coming, my mayed. That’s when my heart started pounding like crazy. I felt so nervous that I looked hilarious on stage.

“How do I look? Should I hold this here or here? No wait does my hair look ok? I’m supposed to stand here right? Will he like my make up?” I asked nervously all the questions that I could think of.

Everyone around me laughed at my reaction.

“Relax sis, your look gorgeous as always” said 79oo9 as she gave me a light hit on my arm.

“Hey hey dun touch the bride, hhhhh” 7amdoh said defensive.

“Ok shush you guys, they’re here. Common let’s get off the stage” 79oh said talking to 7amdoh.
“No no dun leave me here!” I said nervously.

“Bye hun, good luck” 79oh winked at me as she left.

The music started, n I could feel the beat though my chest. The door slowly opened, and I saw him. The most gorgeous person I’ve ever laid eyes on. My baby. He was slowly walking towards me with his head down. With his father walking next to him. And when he got to the stairs, that’s when he looked up to see me.

Mayeds perspective~

I was nervous, couldn’t walk straight n I could hear my father saying some stuff to calm me down, but I didn’t pay much attention. All I cared about was my princess, the princess that I waited my whole life for. I walked with my head down, I couldn’t look at anyone, the only person I wanted to see was her, my wife. As soon as I got to the stairs, I lifted up my head n I froze. My father pulled my elbow to help me walk, n I did but I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. The way she smiled when she saw me was luminous. Finally, she’ll be living with me. The love of my life will be with me, now n forever. I promised myself that I would never let anyone hurt this divine creature, who am sure is not human. An angel maybe, but not human. The sight of that angelic face, made my heart go wild. I got to her, and I had this stupid smile on my face that showed that I was speechless, amazed. I kissed her forehead very gently and her cheek turned into the finest shade of pink. Then we sat and indulged every moment of our wedding together with her hand holding on tightly to mine. We laughed, we talked, and we both couldn’t believe that this day finally came. After chatting for a while, we got up to cut the cake. She held the knife and I held her hand, we cut the cake slowly and gave each other some of it.

The wedding was over; everyone came to wish us a great life together and to take pictures. When no one was left except for my family and hers, I suggested that we should go eat our dinner upstairs. I carried her effortlessly upstairs like a baby, my one and only baby. We ate our dinner, while I sank into the depth of her eyes, her enchanting eyes. I got up as soon as we finished dinner, grabbed her hand n I was on my knees.

“May I Have this Dance?”I asked.

“well of course you may” She replied, shy.

I lifted her up and started slow dancing with no music on, just us. Then I Held her hand and lead her to the bedroom. I threw her on the bed and laid there next to her. I pulled her very closely to my body, and very gently kissed her delicate lips.

“You are finally mine forever and nothing could ever change that. I love you”

Hinds perspective~

I felt something that I never have felt before, a feeling of something I can’t even explain. I loved him, I would die for him, I would take a bullet for him. He was my world, my oxygen, my EVERYTHING!

“I love you more baby” I replied as I fell asleep in his arms.

Today was a fairytaleYou were the prince
I used to be a damsel in distress
You took me by the hand and you picked me up at six
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
I wore a dress
You wore a dark grey t-shirt
You told me I was pretty when I looked like a mess
Today was a fairytale
Time slows down whenever you're around
But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the wayToday was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
You've got a smile that takes me to another planet
Every move you make everything you say is right
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
All that I can say is it's getting so much clearer
Nothing made sense until the time I saw your face
Today was a fairytale
Time slows down whenever you're around
Yeah yeah
But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale.


  1. 1st
    looooooved it <3
    i could say the best story i've ever read..thx for the hard work and the amaizing story <3


  2. DAAAAAAAAAM ! im not first ! -.-"

    Wait .. Lemme go Read !

  3. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww ~ <3

    Thats so Cuuute ! Great Job Saam !
    Wonder What za Nxt Story will be 'bout <3

  4. Amaaaziiinggg =D !!

    Can't wait for more stories =D !


  5. this is awesomee!! happy ending!!
    enjoyed reading it!


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