Sunday, August 26, 2012

Something Out Of Nowhere -6-

Dancing in the moonlight, holding her very close and never wanting to let go. She sank very deep into his eyes and wondered. how did I get so lucky? He straightened his arm and she twirled out and then back and drowned into his chest. She hugged him as they swayed to the sound of the gentle music in the background. They danced with no one around, just the two of them. They know that this was meant to be; they knew that they wanted each other, not just for now… but forever.
Mansoor woke up. Upset that he did and very glad that he dreamt of her. The only person he’s ever wanted to be with. With a smile on his face he got up and got ready for the day ahead. It was Sunday and to everyone, Sundays are the worst, first day of the week and that meant that he had to go to work. He got all cleaned up and dressed and headed downstairs to have his breakfast.
“Good morning” Said his mum. “You look very happy, anything good happened last night?”
He went to her and kissed her forehead and smiled, “Nope, I just saw the most beautiful face. You.” he winked at her and took his place on the breakfast table. As he started picking out things to eat from the wide variety of food in front of him, his two brothers came down. Each with what seemed like blown up hair and Pajamas.
“Well don’t you two look… umm… sleepy?” Mansoor commented with a smirk.
“Shut up, pass the eggs.” replied Hamad, yawning.
They all laughed and continued their breakfast peacefully.
After Mansoor got to work his boss handed him a bunch of papers to finish up and he was going through them thoroughly until he got Khalid’s call.
“Hey dude listen, come out I’m at your place dropping of your shirt that you left at my place last night.” Khalid said through the phone.
“Khalood are you kidding? I’m at work. Call one of my brothers and they’ll come out for you”
“Oh I totally forgot, alright alright. Later.”

Khalid stepped out of his car and walked towards Mansoor’s house after talking to one of his brothers. Once he got to the patio the door opened and Hamad came out still just as he was during breakfast. Khalid smiled and handed him the shirt, they chatted for a while about Hamad’s university and how it was going and then he left. As he was walking towards his car he turned around to see Hadeel’s house. Why have I never seen the girl that Mansoor always talks about? He wondered. He was suddenly very curious, but didn’t know what to do about it. And just when he turned away to get in the car and leave. Hadeel came out in her trainers to go for a jog. She had her hair tied up in a ponytail and i-pod headphone in her ears.
He suddenly took a step backwards and kept looking at her, and when she caught him looking he turned around and got into the car. He placed both his hands on the stirring wheel, inhaled “Oh Wow.” And he exhaled.

Copy Rights Reserved To Sulfur AlSayegh.

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