Thursday, August 9, 2012

Something Out Of Nowhere -1-

An action. As simple as it can be, it may just change your life forever. Hard to believe? Okay, here’s an example. Just imagine walking into the grocery store and when you’re just about to check something out it falls, someone helps you with it. Your eyes meet, fireworks go off all around you, hearts start flying in the air. Then, you realize that you have met that one person that is able to change your life forever. Still don’t believe me? Here’s another example, you’re walking and you may not notice the cars all around you. You step off that sidewalk, the same sidewalk that if you have stepped off of only 2 seconds later everything might’ve been different, but here you are stepping off when a car comes racing towards you and BOOM! Your life changes.
Many people say that life changes only because we change or because we cause it or want it to change. But that’s not true. Things may happen when you least expect them. Things that you may not have done in a thousand years if you actually thought about it, but because of the fact that you did not think about it, they happened. Wow, can you imagine? Going through life not knowing what comes next? That’s hard to imagine, one second you’re laughing and enjoying your time and the next you might not even be there.
The beach. Some may say that the beach is very soothing, and to be honest that’s what I used to think from the moment I was born until 2 years ago. I used enjoy it so much, I hung out with my cousins, friends and family at the beach. Not ever thinking that something may go wrong. Until that day that turned all my family’s life upside down. A day in which I thought I wouldn’t survive. That same day that I thought I may never smile again. She was taken from me then. The most precious thing I have, the most precious creature in this universe was taken from me. Was it my fault? I always wonder. Or was it just meant to be, cruel fate they called it. Me? I call it wrong place at the wrong time. A perfect description for such a horrifying moment. Now imagine this, what is the most thing you love? Imagine it being taken from you and there’s nothing you can do about it. It hurts, not only me, but also every single person in my family, Or if I should even call it that. Not a day passes by when I don’t think about it. How horrible it was, how I felt every second of it, and how from that moment on, my family was no longer a family by all means. It was a bunch of people, who were blood related.
Death. It comes in the least expected moments. Not caring whether you’re a child, a grownup, a mother, a father. It just does what it’s supposed to. It sucks the soul out of your body and leaves your body there on earth. For people to grief, for them to never forget you, and to visit you always. But then, even that body is gone. Leaving no trace of your existence. Death. This is what it does. It separates families, breaks hearts, and causes a lot of sadness. But in the end, that’s what they call fate. And I, hadeel, believe in it.

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