Sunday, January 24, 2010

Part 17-*

Omg i haven't written in a long time i know.. am sorry you guyz i've been really bzyyy .. Enjoy The Part (L)

I Looked at them silently for a while n then Said “I...”

My Mum gave me this anticipating look that I couldn’t let her down no matter what.

“I accept” n I quickly looked the other way and ran upstairs. I can hear my mom ityabib downstairs, n I couldn’t help but burst into laughter. As soon as I closed the Door 79oh opened it and rushed inside.

“YOU SAID YES DIDN’T YOU?” She asked excited.

“Mmm Yeah” I felt like my face was on fire and very red.

79oh n I started jumping on the bed n yelling out of excitement. I suddenly remembered mayed so I stopped jumping, threw myself on the bed, n dialed his number. I asked 79oh to be quiet, so she stopped jumping n sat with me on the bed.

“Aloo” he answered with a depressed voice. Probably because I told him that I told mum that I have to think about the proposal.

“Hi, listen mayed before you say anything. We’ve been together for 2 amazing years and I still feel like I don’t know you that well. Therefore I can’t accept your proposal. I’m sorry, I really wish you a great life with someone else but I don’t think you should stick yourself to me. And I really think we should end this, because it’s only going to go downhill from now on.” I said with a very serious tone. It killed me to do this, because I know he’s going to get hurt so badly, but it’s worth it just to see the smile on his face when he finds out that it was just a prank.

Mayeds perspective…

My whole world shattered in one second, her words were like a knife stabbing me. The pain wouldn’t stop. I stayed quiet, didn’t know what to Say. Maybe she’s right, maybe I proposed too fast. I couldn’t see anything anymore the whole world went black. For the first time in my adult life I felt the warm tears on my cheeks, and then the tears started gushing that I couldn’t take it anymore. She noticed that I started crying, the sound of my inhaling was too obvious. I couldn’t stop; the wound was too deep for it to heal. I hung up quickly before she said anything n just sat on the nearest chair I could find. Did I just lose my reason to live? My reason to smile? My reason to breathe? No way I can’t lose her! Not her! I heard a sudden knock on the door, but I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone, so I didn’t pay much attention to it n I kept on thinking. Imagining her face, when she saw the air balloon, the one I made especially for her! The gratitude in her eyes. The Love. All that just vanished and I’m not going to get it back. All the thinking made me feel sleepy. I decided that I better sleep a bit before I go insane!

2 Hours Later ~]

The harsh knocking on the door woke me up.

“What do you want?” I yelled. The headache was killing me.

“Its dinner time” my father said from behind the door.

I got up n sat on the bed, n when I remembered everything I couldn’t help throwing myself on the bed again and lying down. How could a girl do all this to me? She’s not just any girl. She’s Hind, the girl who lit up my world, the one who was my reason to get up in the morning! But why? Why wouldn’t she accept? Did I hurt her in anyway, Did I Do anything wrong towards her? I’m not going to give up on her. She is mine, she’ll always be mine!

“Yalla ya mayed, get down for dinner” my father yelled again from behind the door.

“Ok Ok am coming”

I got up n headed to the bathroom. I Washed my face n fixed my messed up hair, n headed down stairs. I saw my dad, mum, n baby brother n sister sitting on the table waiting for me. I kissed my parents’ foreheads n sat next to my dad.

“Mayed I have really good news” Said my dad with a smile on his face. My father wasn’t That Old he was in his early 40s. So I was very close to him, I could talk to him about anything, we have like the perfect father, son relationship.

“Oh yeah? What is it?” I doubt anything could be good after what happened today with hind. But eh, what’s the harm?

“Hind alX accepted your proposal. Mabrook son, you’re getting married” my baby sister and brother started singing * ya m3airees, 3ain Allah taraaa, wL gmr w il njoom tmshi wraah*
I was so confused! How come? She told me that she didn’t accept the proposal and my father says she did!

“What?! Are you Serious?! Are you positive?!” I asked confused. My mum n dad laughed their heads off because of my reaction.

“Yes of course I’m sure, her father called me today. I knocked your door to tell you, but you were sleeping”

Omg I can’t believe this. What she did was just a prank? She’s mine. Soon She Will be with me forever. Hind. MY HIND! I Stood up, carried my baby sister ‘3aya and started dancing across the living room and singing. My parents sat there laughing on the way I reacted. I put down ‘3aya n ran up to my room. I threw myself on the bed n called Hanood.

“Aloo” She answered with the most angelic voice I have ever heard.

“Hind! Inty 5a6eeebty!” I said in disbelieve.

“Yeaah 7beeeeby, I hope you’re not upset because of the prank” she said, acting very innocent.
“Ahh hind, you don’t know ana kaif mrta7 right now, Am on top of the world. Nothing can affect me.” I replied.

“Ya 7yaaati. Ok so our parents will decide about the 56ooba, milcha, wedding n all that. All I’m going to do is Enjoy the best time of my life with the most amazing fiancĂ© ever” she said, very happy.

“I Love You baby” I felt like my heart was going to explode from all the love I feel for her.

“W ana a3shagk 7beeby”

Leave your Comments Plz (A)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Part 16-*

Sorry for the Delay everyone.. i've been a bit bzy .. here's a long part .. EnjOy (L)(K)

My heart started Racing thru my chest, I didn’t know whether I wanted to know who it is or not. Should I ask her not to say his name? No, I’m a bit curious! But what if I get shocked. Well of course I’ll be shocked! What am I saying? Ok lemme just get shocked.

“His name is mayed Rashid al X, 23 years old. He’s from a very well known n respected family. They live nearby. He is a great young boy.” She said.

What?! Mayed?! NOWAY!!!! Everything made sense now! The way he reacted when I told him, the way he didn’t care that someone proposed to me. I CNT BELIEVE THIS! I sat there shocked, speechless, dumbfounded, I didn’t know which word would describe it better. I couldn’t say anything. My mother stared at me for a while, and then said “So what do u think?”

“Let me think about it for a while” still in shock.

“Of course, take your time hun” she said, hugging me.

She got up and left the room, as the door closed behind her, I let out a load sigh. I didn’t know whether it was a sigh of relief or a sigh of shock. 5 minutes of thinking got interrupted by the ringing tone of the blackberry (incoming call from *’3la il roO7*). For the first time in 2 years I felt hesitant to answer, didn’t know what to say or what to do. Alas, I answered.


“Halla 7ayatii” he said calmly

“Hey” and then the silence took over, awkward silence.

After 15 long silent minutes.

He said “so your mother told you, ha?” with a sarcastic tone in his voice.

“Yes, yes she did” Owh crap, now it’s really awkward.

“So what do you say?” curiosity was taking over him.

“I told her that I have to think about it.”

“Owh ok” and then we got back to the awkward silence. After a while he broke the silence n said “ok then, I guess I’ll call you back later”

“Ok, bye” I said, waiting desperately for this silence to end. He hung up, n I started thinking. Am I dreaming? Was he kidding? Am I going to wake up anytime now and find out that all of this is a dream? Maybe it is, but if it is this is the weirdest dream I have ever had! I gave myself a little pinch on my arm. “Ouch” Ok obviously this is not a dream! All of this is real!! He really did propose! I called 7amdoh n told her about everything.

“YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME” her scream made me feel like I was going to lose my ear.

“I wish I was! I don’t know what to do!! Should I say yes?” I felt like I was about to cry from all the confusion.

“You are such an idiot! Of course say yes! Isn’t this what you want?” she asked. Even more confused than I was.

“Yeah but I never thought that he’d actually propose!”

“Well he did, now figure out whether you’re going to accept it or not!” she got serious.

“Yeah I guess I should, thanks 7amdoh”

“No problem hun, ok listen I got to go now, talk to ya later” n she hung up.
Thoughts took over my mind; nothing other than mayeds name keeps popping up. For some reason I started imagining how my life would be if I said yes. The house on the beach, with a nice peaceful little porch, kids running around us playing with the dog, The cold breeze caressing our faces. Everything felt so perfect. But I wasn’t sure whether it’s the right choice or not. I want him so badly n of course I want to spend the rest of my life with him. But why does it feel wrong? I imagined the cold days I would spend in his arms n all the romantic gestures. I dozed off, n the harsh knocking on the door woke me up two hours later.

“Come in” I yelled, still half asleep.

79oh entered the room and started jumping on the bed n shouting. Did my sister go crazy? I grabbed her leg n pulled her, which made her fall on the bed.

“What’s up with all the hyperness?” I asked barely moving.

“YOU ARE ENGAAGED! I can’t believe this! My sis 7yaaaati!” she yelled excited.

“You do know that I didn’t say yes yet right?” I said emotionless.

“WHY WHY?!!” she replied shocked. “Don’t you know who it is!!”

“I do, but I told mum that I want to think about it!”

“Huh?! Such an idiot! He’s mayed for god’s sake, the guy who would die for you. The guy who threw you the most amazing surprise party ever. The guy who took you on an air balloon ride for your birthday! Are you Crazy?! This guy would go to the end of the world for you!” she gave me this weird look.

“Well yeah, but u know it is a matter of a person whom I’ll spend the rest of my life with!” I said being serious.

“Eh well, If you didn’t accept I will” she gave me an evil look, as she headed to her room.

I got up really quickly, freshened up, and wore something comfy, n headed down stairs. Where my mother n father were sitting. I went n kissed their foreheads.

“Mum, dad. I made my decision!” I said with a serious face.

“Really? So?” my mum started getting anxious!
(Dun Forget The comments Plz .. iF u Want Part 17 =P)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Part 15-*

Part 15
Scrambled hearts
This Part Goes Out to NunuKins, HanOoSh, n 79aa Ak (L) .. Happy Birthday you guyz .. (L) This is for yew.. its a long part so enjOy (K)

Ok this is really starting to freak me out, where was she heading with this?

“Is everything alright?” I asked concerned.

Mum looked at me like she didn’t have the right words to say, but that didn’t desist her.

“A guy came over today with his father” she started saying. Omg no! I know where this is headed, no I don’t want this, I don’t want this guy! I want mayed, only mayed. No one else! How could this be happening?

“And he proposed to you” she continued. I felt the warm tears in my eyes, which wouldn’t stop no matter how hard I fought them. The heartache n the pain!!

“I don’t want him mum” I said instantly.

“But honey, you didn’t even think about it!” she Said as she looked at me confused.

“And I don’t want to think about it” That’s when the tears started gushing through my face.

“Why not? He’s a great Guy, very handsome, He’s about to graduate, and he has all the Mr. perfect qualities! He’s every girls dream guy. How about you think about it hun?”

“I DON’T WANT TO” I said pissed off.

“Ok, Ok Lisn, we won’t answer just yet. You think about it as long as you want, Think it through really well. Then you can tell me what you think” She said, Grazing my face lightly.

I didn’t reply. I just sat there silently. The whole world around me went black, I couldn’t see anything anymore. My mother looked at me for a second and when she figured that I wouldn’t be saying anything any time soon she left. That’s when I started crying my eyes out, Tears Cascading through my face. I buried my face in the pillow, n let out a load shriek. I didn’t think I would stop crying, but eventually I did. I took Deep breathes, n tried so hard to get my head off the pillow. I felt like it weighed 150Kg. I looked around me aimlessly, that’s when I Noticed that the wall Clock Said 6:11pm.

“Owh shit!!” I jumped off the bed really quickly, tied my hair up, n wore anything cute & comfy I found. I asked my mum to drive me to the park, when I got there I could still feel my eyes all swollen up from all the crying n sobbing. I called mayed as soon as my mum left.

It Rang twice n he answered with the most amazing voice ever *as usual*

“Hey Babe” he said.

“Halla 7yati, where are you?” I asked harmonious.

“Just stay wherever you are, I can see you” and he hung up before I got to say bye.
I waited for like two minutes, n suddenly I felt someone’s arms around me, I would’ve screamed but when I saw that its mayed I didn’t, I just hugged him back.

“Close ur eyes” he whispered into my ears. I obeyed involuntarily. I closed my eyes, n everything around me went black, I can only see the light through my eyelids. I tripped over a small rock, but he held me tightly towards his body and didn’t let go. He kissed my cheek every once in a while, while we’re walking. I could literally feel like there are some butterflies in my stomach n the adrenaline rushing thru my veins, n I got every possible feeling a person can get in one second. I was on top of the world! Even if he was taking me to throw me off a building, it still wouldn’t matter to me. That’s how much I loved him. After walking for a while, we stopped. He swept me off my feet and continued walking. I held on tightly to his neck. He finally put me down n said “You Can open ur Eyes now”.

I opened my eyes slowly n I was shocked! “WOW, I Can’t believe this. ARE YOU SERIOUS?” I rubbed my eyes just to make sure that I was seeing everything clearly. “Omg, U gotta be kidding me!!!”

A huuuge Air balloon with a *happy birthday babe* sign on it, was right there in front Of me! With all The Rainbow colors on it.

“U like it?” he asked innocently.

“Like it? Are u kidding me?! I LOVE IT!!! U r amazzzing!” I screamed as I hugged him.

“Wanna go for a ride?” and again he swept me off my feet before I could answer and put me in it.
“Do u know how to operate it?” I asked still in shock.

“Of course, my dad taught me all about it! Ready babe?” he asked.

“Yup” I Said very excited. And as soon as I said the word, I saw the flames filling up the air balloon. The heat on my skin felt unexplainably comforting. Mayed approached me with arms open wide, and hugged me so tight, that for a second I thought I was going to stop breathing.

“Kil 3am w inty il 7ub” he said with a kiss on my forehead.

Suddenly it came back to me, a flashback of what happened at home with my mom. Fresh tears occupied my eyes as I remembered everything happened.

“Hanood 7beeebi, what’s wrong?” mayed asked in concern & confusion.

I couldn’t handle it anymore, so I spilled everything I was not planning on telling him. His expressions didn’t change at all [weird].

“Aha, well isn’t that supposed to be like good news?” This question popped a million questions in my mind. What the hell does he mean by GOOD NEWS! Isn’t he like supposed to be pissed off or something? He’s going to lose me forever, n that’s GOOD NEWS!!! Wow, I really didn’t see that coming. What a shock!

“Mayed I think I need to go” I said dejectedly.

“Owh ok” he replied emotionless. No seriously! What’s up with him? I waited 10 minutes until we got on the ground again. I can’t say that this wasn’t the best day of my life, Cuz then I’d be lying, but this last part of the day really ruined everything. I called my mum to come pick me up, n when she got here, I didn’t bother to hug him or anything. I just said bye n left. I got home still in shock of how mayed reacted, but I was too tired to think about it. I heard a sudden knock on the door.

“Come in” I said. My mom slowly open the door and got in. *Omg not again* I thought to myself, what now?

“Hey hun, I know you probably don’t want to talk about it. But I just remembered that we didn’t finish our talk before you went out. N I just wanted to come and tell you his name, age, n all that. You girls now-a-days have your facebook n twitter, you can search him up and see for yourself.” she said with a very calm tone.

“Ya Sure mum” I just needed to say anything to make her stop talking about this subject ever again.

“Mmm Ok, so his name is ……………..”

Dun Forget 2 leave ur Comments =)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Part 14-*

Part 14
Scrambled hearts

As usual 7amdOh saying stuff that don’t really make sense, babbling on & on about this guy she likes at our school. Well, I must say he is Gorgeous, no wonder she’s into him but of course she’s my best friend so he’s all hers, and plus I have mayed what do I want with this guy? Anyway, we went through an extremely boring day! And Just when I started to think that nothing interesting will happen today This Happened..

“Hanood come check this Out!” yelled a7med from outside.

“What’s happening?!” I said perplexed. I saw the whole school gathered. What could possibly be so interesting?! I went outside, I couldn’t see anything! WHAT WAS GOING ON?!!!! I stood there confused, n feeling really stupid!

“Baby” he whispered in my Ear. I was Shocked, I turned around n my eyes Opened wide, my jaw dropped open, n I couldn’t find the right words to say. Omg he is the most amazing boyfriend ever! I can’t believe he did this, n I can’t believe he remembered! Mayed stood there looking gorgeous as usual wearing a Black Tux with the tie n everything, he held what must’ve been about 150 balloons in his hand. I’m Surprised he didn’t Fly Off with Them.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY GORGEOUS!” he said with the most amazing smile on his face. I ran up to him as fast as I can n hugged him so tight! I can’t believe he did this. I gave him a light kiss on the cheek, n as soon as I did, I noticed the decoration everywhere the balloons n flowers n everything! I stood there beside him like I was hiding from something. I was really intoxicated by all this, having him here n everyone I know was really special. A7mad gave me The Come-n-hug-me look.

I Looked at Mayed innocently n said “please Can I?!”

“Well he helped me with everything n you mean a lot to him. Go ahead” he said with a wide smile. Then he looked at a7med “you have 15 seconds” he teased.

I ran over to a7med n gave him an extremely tight hug, n 7amda too. We all had an amazing time; everyone talked n joked n danced. It was a perfect birthday. After a long day of laughing n dancing everyone headed home very happy. I went into the house, and layed on the bed. That’s when I noticed the folder paper that was on my night stand. I picked it up n opened it.

“Meet Me
At The Park
At 6:30
I’ll Be Waiting.


I read the paper over n over n over again. Could he be anymore perfect? I wonder What’s Waiting for me at the park. Did I ever mention that I am totally in love with that guy? I put down the paper on the bed n started thinking, every thought in my head had mayeds name on it. What was he going to do at the park? A Sudden knock on the door snapped me out of it.
“Come in” I yelled.

The door Opened and in came my mother. Hmm that’s weird my mum never comes to my room unless it’s extremely important.

“Hanooda 7beebty, I have to talk to u about something” she said seriously.

“Yeah sure mum, am all ears.” I said confused.

“Ok, this might be life changing to you, but I want you to know that it’s totally up to u. Me n your dad will support you no matter what you say” she said.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

part 13-*

Part 13
Scrambled hearts 

“Ok Ok mum I can explain” I said nervously, I don’t know what I was going to tell her, I certainly can’t tell her that I went to the airport looking for a7med. “A friend of mine needed to go to the hospital and I needed to drive her there, she didn’t have anyone else to take her.” I was really hoping that would work.

“Oh really? And which friend would that be?” she asked. Crap I’m a really really bad liar. I know what you readers are thinking right now, that I should be lying to my mum, well does it look like I have any other choice? Anyways I felt so nervous, my palms were sweating n I didn’t know what to say.

“Mmm you don’t know her, her name is mmm Sara, she’s in our class.” I replied with an edgy voice.

“Aha, and what was wrong with her?” she asked doubtful, n raising one eyebrow.

“Umm not really sure ... Mm I think asthma, yeah that’s it asthma” I gave her the widest fake smile ever.

“Am not saying I believe you, which I don’t, but if this happened again you will only have yourself to blame hind” she said with crossed arms and a very serious look on her face.

“Ok sorry mum” I quickly turned around and started running towards the stairs. As I Got to half of the stairs I looked back and said, “Owh yeah mum, you have a speeding ticket, n a dent in your car” and started running upstairs again.

“HIIIIIND” she said angry. I acted like I didn’t hear a thing; close my door, n fell on my bed. I called 7amdOh to tell her about everything, the way she reacted was hilarious!

“U, a7med! a7med, n u! Friends? No no seriously! Friends?!” she said astonished!

I couldn’t stop laughing at her.

“Hhhh yallla Hun I have to go. See you at school tomorrow” I said excited.

“Okay, Luv ya, bye” she replied.

I hung up n started walking around the house with no purpose at all. I sat all day watching tv and wasn’t really in the mood for doing any homework, although I had a biology Quiz the next day, n I didn’t understand anything in this lesson, but even though I wouldn’t think about getting up to study. I just sat there and watched one show after another, Friends, Seinfeld, the nanny, ER, CSI, etc. n finally I got up and went to my room. I opened my bag n got out my biology notebook n started reading.

“the cells have been discovered by Robert hook...” I Read. “What’s the Use Of this?” I felt like my head was going to explode after the first sentence. I close my notebook and turned to my mobile, Dialed mayeds number n called.

“Hey Gorgeous” He answered.

“Hi babe. How are you?” I asked, feeling kinda sleepy.

“Am fine 7yate, u?” he said softly.

“Am great” I never felt like I was taken care of until now, mayed loved me, a7med was never going to leave me again, and 7amda was always by my said no matter what happened. I talked to mayed for hours until I fell asleep.

I love you so deeply
I love you so much
I love the sound of your voice
And the way that we touch.
I love your warm smile
And your kind, thoughtful way
The joy that you bringTo my life every day.
I love you today
As I have from the start,
And I'll love you forever
With all of my heart.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Part 12-*

Part 12
Scrambled hearts

I Backed up, Looked at my clothes “what the! Omg I can’t believe I got out of the house like this!” I was wearing a pink pajama with tiny monkeys on it, and pink fluffy slippers. I must say I don’t blame the people for looking at me like I’m mentally ill.

“Why are you here? Your flight is at 10!” I suddenly remembered why I’m here.

“Well I was at home getting ready to travel and never come back when my mum started crying and asking me not to leave. So I had to make sure she calmed down n slept, before I left.” He explained. “But how did you know I was traveling?”

“Your sister told me, are you out of your mind?! You’re going to leave your family, your country, n your friends, for no reason & not come back?!” I was starting to get pissed.

“I have a reason” he replied.

“Which is?!” I asked. Now I was really pissed.

“You! You don’t want me anymore, you’re with mayed now, n I pretty much don’t have anything left here!” he said with a sad tone in his voice.

“Ok but you can’t stop you’re life just because I’m with someone else, we can always be friends” I was trying my best to come up with the right words.

“It’s so hard for me to see you with someone other than me, you were always meant to be mine” I felt the tension in his voice as he spoke.

“a7med this was two months ago, what me and you had was more than amazing, but you have to learn to move on, and like I said we can always be friends, so what do you think?!” I asked hoping he would say yes!

“I’d love that” he said with a defeated voice and a wide smile on his face.

“Omg ok does this mean that you’re staying?” I was really excited that what I said worked, I didn’t think it would. Having a7med as a friend would be a blast.

“Eh why not? After all as your friend you’ll need a shoulder to cry on whenever that mayed of yours hurts you” he had this amazing sarcastic smile on his face. I gave him a light hit on his shoulder and then hugged him so tight.

“So wanna go out for lunch?” I asked very excited.

“Sure” he said as we headed to the door.

We went to Fridays for lunch and we had some interesting talks, and I must admit that a7med is a much better friend than a boyfriend. When we finished our lunch we went for at walk JBR, the weather was to die for, it was simply amazing.

“Owh shit I need to go home” I said as I figure that I didn’t tell my mother that I was going out. I said goodbye to a7med and headed to the car. I heard something weird while I was driving, but I thought it was just some car behind me so I didn’t give it much attention. I got home, parked the car and went inside.

“You want to explain something?” a very scary and angry voice said.

“Oh Hi mum” I said trying to stay calm.

“Don’t act like you didn’t do anything! You went out without taking permission and you took MY CAR when u don’t even have license!!” she said Furious!