Sunday, January 17, 2010

Part 16-*

Sorry for the Delay everyone.. i've been a bit bzy .. here's a long part .. EnjOy (L)(K)

My heart started Racing thru my chest, I didn’t know whether I wanted to know who it is or not. Should I ask her not to say his name? No, I’m a bit curious! But what if I get shocked. Well of course I’ll be shocked! What am I saying? Ok lemme just get shocked.

“His name is mayed Rashid al X, 23 years old. He’s from a very well known n respected family. They live nearby. He is a great young boy.” She said.

What?! Mayed?! NOWAY!!!! Everything made sense now! The way he reacted when I told him, the way he didn’t care that someone proposed to me. I CNT BELIEVE THIS! I sat there shocked, speechless, dumbfounded, I didn’t know which word would describe it better. I couldn’t say anything. My mother stared at me for a while, and then said “So what do u think?”

“Let me think about it for a while” still in shock.

“Of course, take your time hun” she said, hugging me.

She got up and left the room, as the door closed behind her, I let out a load sigh. I didn’t know whether it was a sigh of relief or a sigh of shock. 5 minutes of thinking got interrupted by the ringing tone of the blackberry (incoming call from *’3la il roO7*). For the first time in 2 years I felt hesitant to answer, didn’t know what to say or what to do. Alas, I answered.


“Halla 7ayatii” he said calmly

“Hey” and then the silence took over, awkward silence.

After 15 long silent minutes.

He said “so your mother told you, ha?” with a sarcastic tone in his voice.

“Yes, yes she did” Owh crap, now it’s really awkward.

“So what do you say?” curiosity was taking over him.

“I told her that I have to think about it.”

“Owh ok” and then we got back to the awkward silence. After a while he broke the silence n said “ok then, I guess I’ll call you back later”

“Ok, bye” I said, waiting desperately for this silence to end. He hung up, n I started thinking. Am I dreaming? Was he kidding? Am I going to wake up anytime now and find out that all of this is a dream? Maybe it is, but if it is this is the weirdest dream I have ever had! I gave myself a little pinch on my arm. “Ouch” Ok obviously this is not a dream! All of this is real!! He really did propose! I called 7amdoh n told her about everything.

“YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME” her scream made me feel like I was going to lose my ear.

“I wish I was! I don’t know what to do!! Should I say yes?” I felt like I was about to cry from all the confusion.

“You are such an idiot! Of course say yes! Isn’t this what you want?” she asked. Even more confused than I was.

“Yeah but I never thought that he’d actually propose!”

“Well he did, now figure out whether you’re going to accept it or not!” she got serious.

“Yeah I guess I should, thanks 7amdoh”

“No problem hun, ok listen I got to go now, talk to ya later” n she hung up.
Thoughts took over my mind; nothing other than mayeds name keeps popping up. For some reason I started imagining how my life would be if I said yes. The house on the beach, with a nice peaceful little porch, kids running around us playing with the dog, The cold breeze caressing our faces. Everything felt so perfect. But I wasn’t sure whether it’s the right choice or not. I want him so badly n of course I want to spend the rest of my life with him. But why does it feel wrong? I imagined the cold days I would spend in his arms n all the romantic gestures. I dozed off, n the harsh knocking on the door woke me up two hours later.

“Come in” I yelled, still half asleep.

79oh entered the room and started jumping on the bed n shouting. Did my sister go crazy? I grabbed her leg n pulled her, which made her fall on the bed.

“What’s up with all the hyperness?” I asked barely moving.

“YOU ARE ENGAAGED! I can’t believe this! My sis 7yaaaati!” she yelled excited.

“You do know that I didn’t say yes yet right?” I said emotionless.

“WHY WHY?!!” she replied shocked. “Don’t you know who it is!!”

“I do, but I told mum that I want to think about it!”

“Huh?! Such an idiot! He’s mayed for god’s sake, the guy who would die for you. The guy who threw you the most amazing surprise party ever. The guy who took you on an air balloon ride for your birthday! Are you Crazy?! This guy would go to the end of the world for you!” she gave me this weird look.

“Well yeah, but u know it is a matter of a person whom I’ll spend the rest of my life with!” I said being serious.

“Eh well, If you didn’t accept I will” she gave me an evil look, as she headed to her room.

I got up really quickly, freshened up, and wore something comfy, n headed down stairs. Where my mother n father were sitting. I went n kissed their foreheads.

“Mum, dad. I made my decision!” I said with a serious face.

“Really? So?” my mum started getting anxious!
(Dun Forget The comments Plz .. iF u Want Part 17 =P)


  1. Luved it..have a feelin she'll say yes..;)...can't wait..:D

  2. she'll say YES now come one part 17

    please ....

    and i loved 79oo in this part XD

  3. Nice PaaaarT !!! Ntrayaa el nxT paaarT !!
    A7b The waaaY u wriTe <3
    Can't waaaiT ! :p

  4. omg omg she's gonna say yes 9aa7 !?

    looovin the story keept it up !!
    dont make it a sad ending walllah ill kill yew if u did :p

    3endi e7saaas ina betgool la 4 some reason yaraab my e7saas '3ala6 :p

  5. Yeah .. Walla if u make her say No i'll CHOKE u in skool ! xPp ~~!

    Hhhh ,, i "HEART" it ! <3

    ~~ TaTTz

  6. amazing stiry ...loveit <3
    bss plz change the colors of the writing n the background coz it hurts the eyes so badly ...
    anywayz keep it up ^-^


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