Wednesday, January 6, 2010

part 13-*

Part 13
Scrambled hearts 

“Ok Ok mum I can explain” I said nervously, I don’t know what I was going to tell her, I certainly can’t tell her that I went to the airport looking for a7med. “A friend of mine needed to go to the hospital and I needed to drive her there, she didn’t have anyone else to take her.” I was really hoping that would work.

“Oh really? And which friend would that be?” she asked. Crap I’m a really really bad liar. I know what you readers are thinking right now, that I should be lying to my mum, well does it look like I have any other choice? Anyways I felt so nervous, my palms were sweating n I didn’t know what to say.

“Mmm you don’t know her, her name is mmm Sara, she’s in our class.” I replied with an edgy voice.

“Aha, and what was wrong with her?” she asked doubtful, n raising one eyebrow.

“Umm not really sure ... Mm I think asthma, yeah that’s it asthma” I gave her the widest fake smile ever.

“Am not saying I believe you, which I don’t, but if this happened again you will only have yourself to blame hind” she said with crossed arms and a very serious look on her face.

“Ok sorry mum” I quickly turned around and started running towards the stairs. As I Got to half of the stairs I looked back and said, “Owh yeah mum, you have a speeding ticket, n a dent in your car” and started running upstairs again.

“HIIIIIND” she said angry. I acted like I didn’t hear a thing; close my door, n fell on my bed. I called 7amdOh to tell her about everything, the way she reacted was hilarious!

“U, a7med! a7med, n u! Friends? No no seriously! Friends?!” she said astonished!

I couldn’t stop laughing at her.

“Hhhh yallla Hun I have to go. See you at school tomorrow” I said excited.

“Okay, Luv ya, bye” she replied.

I hung up n started walking around the house with no purpose at all. I sat all day watching tv and wasn’t really in the mood for doing any homework, although I had a biology Quiz the next day, n I didn’t understand anything in this lesson, but even though I wouldn’t think about getting up to study. I just sat there and watched one show after another, Friends, Seinfeld, the nanny, ER, CSI, etc. n finally I got up and went to my room. I opened my bag n got out my biology notebook n started reading.

“the cells have been discovered by Robert hook...” I Read. “What’s the Use Of this?” I felt like my head was going to explode after the first sentence. I close my notebook and turned to my mobile, Dialed mayeds number n called.

“Hey Gorgeous” He answered.

“Hi babe. How are you?” I asked, feeling kinda sleepy.

“Am fine 7yate, u?” he said softly.

“Am great” I never felt like I was taken care of until now, mayed loved me, a7med was never going to leave me again, and 7amda was always by my said no matter what happened. I talked to mayed for hours until I fell asleep.

I love you so deeply
I love you so much
I love the sound of your voice
And the way that we touch.
I love your warm smile
And your kind, thoughtful way
The joy that you bringTo my life every day.
I love you today
As I have from the start,
And I'll love you forever
With all of my heart.


  1. Great!! Keep it up =D .. Aham shay el bio quiz 7ta fl story it exists haha =p !!
    Can't wait for your next postt xD
    Maryoom <3!

  2. Luuv Za Stowwwy !
    Soow Inwesting !
    And yeah .. The bio quiz .. Hahahhaha ..
    Great Job Sam !
    Keep it Flyin' Foug ! xP

    » TaTTz <3 ~~!

  3. OMG cant wait to know what happens next is it really gonna be okay with a7med ???

  4. hahaha OMG! coincidence much ;o? I had a Bio quiz on the exact same day about the exact same lesson :P whoa =p



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