Monday, January 11, 2010

Part 15-*

Part 15
Scrambled hearts
This Part Goes Out to NunuKins, HanOoSh, n 79aa Ak (L) .. Happy Birthday you guyz .. (L) This is for yew.. its a long part so enjOy (K)

Ok this is really starting to freak me out, where was she heading with this?

“Is everything alright?” I asked concerned.

Mum looked at me like she didn’t have the right words to say, but that didn’t desist her.

“A guy came over today with his father” she started saying. Omg no! I know where this is headed, no I don’t want this, I don’t want this guy! I want mayed, only mayed. No one else! How could this be happening?

“And he proposed to you” she continued. I felt the warm tears in my eyes, which wouldn’t stop no matter how hard I fought them. The heartache n the pain!!

“I don’t want him mum” I said instantly.

“But honey, you didn’t even think about it!” she Said as she looked at me confused.

“And I don’t want to think about it” That’s when the tears started gushing through my face.

“Why not? He’s a great Guy, very handsome, He’s about to graduate, and he has all the Mr. perfect qualities! He’s every girls dream guy. How about you think about it hun?”

“I DON’T WANT TO” I said pissed off.

“Ok, Ok Lisn, we won’t answer just yet. You think about it as long as you want, Think it through really well. Then you can tell me what you think” She said, Grazing my face lightly.

I didn’t reply. I just sat there silently. The whole world around me went black, I couldn’t see anything anymore. My mother looked at me for a second and when she figured that I wouldn’t be saying anything any time soon she left. That’s when I started crying my eyes out, Tears Cascading through my face. I buried my face in the pillow, n let out a load shriek. I didn’t think I would stop crying, but eventually I did. I took Deep breathes, n tried so hard to get my head off the pillow. I felt like it weighed 150Kg. I looked around me aimlessly, that’s when I Noticed that the wall Clock Said 6:11pm.

“Owh shit!!” I jumped off the bed really quickly, tied my hair up, n wore anything cute & comfy I found. I asked my mum to drive me to the park, when I got there I could still feel my eyes all swollen up from all the crying n sobbing. I called mayed as soon as my mum left.

It Rang twice n he answered with the most amazing voice ever *as usual*

“Hey Babe” he said.

“Halla 7yati, where are you?” I asked harmonious.

“Just stay wherever you are, I can see you” and he hung up before I got to say bye.
I waited for like two minutes, n suddenly I felt someone’s arms around me, I would’ve screamed but when I saw that its mayed I didn’t, I just hugged him back.

“Close ur eyes” he whispered into my ears. I obeyed involuntarily. I closed my eyes, n everything around me went black, I can only see the light through my eyelids. I tripped over a small rock, but he held me tightly towards his body and didn’t let go. He kissed my cheek every once in a while, while we’re walking. I could literally feel like there are some butterflies in my stomach n the adrenaline rushing thru my veins, n I got every possible feeling a person can get in one second. I was on top of the world! Even if he was taking me to throw me off a building, it still wouldn’t matter to me. That’s how much I loved him. After walking for a while, we stopped. He swept me off my feet and continued walking. I held on tightly to his neck. He finally put me down n said “You Can open ur Eyes now”.

I opened my eyes slowly n I was shocked! “WOW, I Can’t believe this. ARE YOU SERIOUS?” I rubbed my eyes just to make sure that I was seeing everything clearly. “Omg, U gotta be kidding me!!!”

A huuuge Air balloon with a *happy birthday babe* sign on it, was right there in front Of me! With all The Rainbow colors on it.

“U like it?” he asked innocently.

“Like it? Are u kidding me?! I LOVE IT!!! U r amazzzing!” I screamed as I hugged him.

“Wanna go for a ride?” and again he swept me off my feet before I could answer and put me in it.
“Do u know how to operate it?” I asked still in shock.

“Of course, my dad taught me all about it! Ready babe?” he asked.

“Yup” I Said very excited. And as soon as I said the word, I saw the flames filling up the air balloon. The heat on my skin felt unexplainably comforting. Mayed approached me with arms open wide, and hugged me so tight, that for a second I thought I was going to stop breathing.

“Kil 3am w inty il 7ub” he said with a kiss on my forehead.

Suddenly it came back to me, a flashback of what happened at home with my mom. Fresh tears occupied my eyes as I remembered everything happened.

“Hanood 7beeebi, what’s wrong?” mayed asked in concern & confusion.

I couldn’t handle it anymore, so I spilled everything I was not planning on telling him. His expressions didn’t change at all [weird].

“Aha, well isn’t that supposed to be like good news?” This question popped a million questions in my mind. What the hell does he mean by GOOD NEWS! Isn’t he like supposed to be pissed off or something? He’s going to lose me forever, n that’s GOOD NEWS!!! Wow, I really didn’t see that coming. What a shock!

“Mayed I think I need to go” I said dejectedly.

“Owh ok” he replied emotionless. No seriously! What’s up with him? I waited 10 minutes until we got on the ground again. I can’t say that this wasn’t the best day of my life, Cuz then I’d be lying, but this last part of the day really ruined everything. I called my mum to come pick me up, n when she got here, I didn’t bother to hug him or anything. I just said bye n left. I got home still in shock of how mayed reacted, but I was too tired to think about it. I heard a sudden knock on the door.

“Come in” I said. My mom slowly open the door and got in. *Omg not again* I thought to myself, what now?

“Hey hun, I know you probably don’t want to talk about it. But I just remembered that we didn’t finish our talk before you went out. N I just wanted to come and tell you his name, age, n all that. You girls now-a-days have your facebook n twitter, you can search him up and see for yourself.” she said with a very calm tone.

“Ya Sure mum” I just needed to say anything to make her stop talking about this subject ever again.

“Mmm Ok, so his name is ……………..”

Dun Forget 2 leave ur Comments =)


  1. <3ed this part...
    Mayed is so romantic..:P..
    Can't wait 4 the next part..:D

  2. Maaaayeddd is sooo sweeeettttt (L)_(L)!!
    But stillll I also love a7medddd :P<3

    I've got a feeling enna it's mayed elly yba y56bha ;O!

    Yallaaa post asap!:D<3333

  3. omg omg is he mayed i think he is plz tell me he is !! :p

    i want my own mayed !! <3

    i jst adooore him isnt he the best guy evaa ?! i want a guy like that !! :(

    cnt wait 4 the nxt part !! nazleeeh faaast plz !! :D

    keep it up sista !! lovin the story :D <3 :*


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