Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Part 11 -*

Part 11
Scrambled hearts

“Omg no no no no no no!!!” I woke up Screaming; it was 9:30am!! Only 30 minutes left for his flight!

I woke up Got Out of my Room and looked for my mum to let her drop me at the airport, but for my surprise she was nowhere to be found, where could she be? Her car is parked right outside! I quickly dialed her number and called.

“Mum, mum where are you?!!” I asked screaming.

“What is wrong? Is everything Ok?” she asked worried.

“Just tell me where are you!” I Said, I was about to tear up. That’s when I saw it there, right on the kitchen table.

“I’m Out with your aunt, I might be late! What’s……..” I hung up before she continued, I didn’t know what I was doing, all I know is that I need to get to that airport right away, Thank god it wasn’t that far. I grabbed my mother’s car keys, n ran out to the garage, got in the driver’s seat n stared at the wheel for a while, I just closed my eyes n turned on the car. Since I’ve tried driving before when we used to go to the farm, I didn’t find it that hard to drive on a clear road. All the roads were pretty much empty, n I was driving 160 km/h. I Felt like I was doing something totally insane but I didn’t care! I needed to get to that airport, n Fast!

“SHIT SHIT NOO” I just got flashed by a radar! So not the time for this. I continued my way n I finally got to the airport after 10 long minutes. I gave my key to the man in charge of the valet parking since I didn’t have much time to park the car. I entered the airport, I didn’t know where I was going Or even where he was traveling, I just ran. I went to the ticket desk n asked the woman who was standing there “excuse me a7med 5aled Al X, which flight is he on?” I was talking very quickly that the woman barely got what I said.

“Sorry ma’am I can’t tell you” she replied.

“NO YOU HAVE TO! I don’t have much time! Plzzz u have to help me” I started begging.
I couldn’t go any farther in the airport, because if I did I’ll be needing my passport. My eyes started Moisting up.

“I’m sorry ma’am but I really can’t help you with this” she looked at me like I was mentally ill or something. I didn’t pay much attention to her. I turned around and started looking all over the place maybe i would see something that would lead me to him. I started running towards the passport control desks.

“Hi, Mmm I don’t have my passport with me, n I don’t want to travel! But I really really need to get in there!” I started crying.

“I’m sorry I can’t let you through unless you have your passport and ticket” the guy said calmly.
“Nooo! Plzzz I Really need to get in there!” I started pleading.

“I’m sorry” he said.

I lost hope. He left n he’s not coming back, my first love, my first heart break, my first date, Disappeared in a plane heading to god knows where. I turned around and started walking towards the door. A walk that would take 2 minutes felt like a lifetime to me, I couldn’t get to the door so I sat on a Bench.

“Hanood!! What are you doing here?!!!” Said a very familiar Voice.

Everything around me went silent, his voice echoed in my head. Was I imagining stuff? Or was it real? I felt pressure on my shoulder like someone put his hand over it. I smiled involuntarily, I stood up, turned around and as Soon as I saw him, I just hugged him so hard that I thought he was going to get squished.

“Wow Mmm Ok. First Things First, Why are you here n why are you in Ur Pajamas?!” a7med said, surprised.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Part 10 -*

Part 10
Scrambled hearts <>

All I heard was a splash and the next thing I knew I was screaming and soaking wet. I hated him for that, well not really hated him but just felt the urge to kill him *uughh* he started laughing hysterically, I didn’t even talk to him I just got up and started walking, I heard his footstep behind me but didn’t really pay much attention to him. He ran n stood in front of me so I would stop too.

“7yaatii am sorry, I was just fooling around” he said with a puppy face.

I didn’t answer him. I was shaking because of the cold weather, n I felt like I couldn’t move my lips to speak. He came up to me and gave me a hug.

“Baby U’re Freezing!!” he said worried.

“Thanks to you” I said in a shaking voice.

“Omg am sorry baby, I’m really sorry! Come Here” he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against his chest, he was so warm that I wanted to stay like that forever. I couldn’t think about anything, for once I was in a happy place, a place that no one can get me out of. It was silent for a while all I heard was the splashing waves and his heart beats which were both very comforting, I felt so secure being in his arms like no harm can ever come near me. Suddenly he let go of me and ran to the car.

“Just Wait here I’ll be right back” he said as he ran.

He came back with a jacket in his hands which he made me wear, after a while I started feeling warm, he held me close to his body by my waist as we walked along the shore, it was so peaceful and quiet that I forgot everything. As it started to get dark we sat at the beach watching the sunset, mayed looked at me pushed up my chin very lightly.

“I Love u like I’ve never loved any1 else, you became the reason why I wake up happy every morning” he Said while holding me tightly to his chest. We just sat there watching the sunset and neither of us talked, we embraced the beauty of the view and of everything around us, it became dark very quickly. I Lifted up my arm to see the time.

“Wow its 8 already?!” I Said surprised. The time flew by so Quickly, I didn’t feel like it was that long that I sat with mayed. U know this feeling... When you’re very safe and nothing can ever harm you, like U’re in an invisible bubble, which nothing can come thru it? That’s how I Felt, mayed was my bubble.

“Ya 7yati, u need to head home?” he asked so calmly.

“if you don’t mind 7beeby, mum will call me any time now” I really didn’t want to leave, and my mum wasn’t really the issue, the thing is I wanted to go back home n get my mind straight and think about how I’m going to let a7med stay. Here all that’s taking over my mind is Mayed, I pretty much can’t think about anything else.

“Okay babe, Get up” he was already standing offering to help me get up. I held his hand so tightly as I got up and didn’t let go, he pulled me closer to him, he brushed a lock of hair off my face n got his face closer to mine, he kissed my forehead very lightly.

“You can call it madness, but I call it love” he said, lifting my face Up and looking straight into my eyes. “I LOVE YOU”.

I couldn’t see it, but I think my face turned into an extremly red fire Truck. I Felt like I wanna go anywhere and hide because Of my shyness. I didn’t Know what to say, I just smiled n said “I love u 2” with a silly smile on my face.

Then He grabbed my hand, and we walked slowly to the car not wanting this day to end. We Sat in The Car n I felt very tired so I leaned my head on his shoulder and he grabbed my hand as he drove with the other. We got to the house really quickly which made me kind of blue. But after an amazing Day Like that, everything was perfect. OH CRAP!! Other than the fact that a7med is traveling at 10:00am!

*I’ll take a shower, head to bed n wake up in the morning To see what I’m Going to do* I thought to myself.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Part 9 -*

Part 9
Scrambled hearts

“I Love you 2 hunny, what’s with all the excitement?” mayed replied

“I just love you so much, u know when I talk to you I feel like nothing is ever wrong, like everything is perfect, 7yati I need You to promise to always stay by my side” I said.

“Of course I will, n don’t you ever think that u won’t find me whenever you need me.”I felt like what he said was really from the heart and I couldn’t help but let out a wide smile. “Owh btw babe Can I See u 2day?” he asked.

“Of course, Where?” I asked innocently.

“Mmmm I haven’t been to the beach in a long time, wanna go?” He replied.

“Yeah sure” I said joyfully.

“Great, get ready am gonna pick you up in half an hour. “Love u babe”.

“Ok 7beebi, Love you too” I felt like I was on top of the world when he said that, like nothing can bring me down. “Drive Safely Hun”.

I hung up the Phone and I was off to the shower, took a quick bath and headed to the closet and got out my baby blue juicy training suite n put it on, fixed my hair into a pony tail, put some eyeliner n mascara and I was set to go. I felt so excited that I’m going to c him today, so I just sat n waited. I heard my blackberry ringing, I ran up to it n checked the name of the caller, I felt confused when I saw that the caller was a7meds Sister fa6ma.

I answered quickly “hellow?”.

“Hii Hanood how r u?” she replied, I got a sudden feeling that something was wrong.
“Am fine, is everything Ok?” I asked quickly.

“Mmmm I really don’t know how to tell you this, but you’re the only one who can change a7meds mind, n I really needed to call you and tell you” she said with a tone I couldn’t really understand.

“What? What’s wrong with a7med?!” I felt a sudden sting in my heart.

“nothing is wrong with him, he just decided all of the sudden to travel n not come back, and his mind is set, he said n I quote *if hind doesn’t want me anymore, I have nothing to do in this place, I need to leave*, n we’ve been trying to change his mind but he is so stubborn” I felt like she was about to cry.

I quickly asked “when is he traveling?”.

“2morrow 10:00am, plz hind try whatever you can to make him stay, my mother is going insane” I felt the sorrow in her voice.

“I will as soon as I get back, thanks for telling me this” I said calmly.

“Don’t worry about it, n thnxxx a lot Hanood for doing this! U’re the only one who can change his mind!” she felt comforted by the fact that I’m going to talk to him.

“No worries I’m gonna try my best with him, kaih lisn I g2g now, talk to ya later bye” I Said in a rush when I saw that mayed was calling on the other line.

“Bye” She Said, I hung up quickly and answered mayed.

“Babe I’m out” he said as soon as I answered.

“I’m on my way , Love u” I wz practically running down the stairs from all the excitement though I was also worried about a7med, is he really going to travel and not come back just because I don’t want to be with him anymore? I didn’t think I meant that much to him! But after what? After all he put me through? Now he wants me back, but seriously it’s too late for that now. How weird is this guy! I seriously don’t know what I’m going to do to change his mind but I have to try anything with him. I Got to the car n saw mayed standing by my door, n as soon as I got closer to him he pulled me toward him, gave me a light kiss on the cheek and opened the door for me. He was wearing a black T-shirt, white shorts with a black cap n flip flops, and of course not to forget the ray Bann glasses. He Looked HOT!! I couldn’t resist giving him a huge hug n got in the car.

As soon as he got in the car he said “hellow gorgeous, Ready?”.

“Yup, baby aren’t u gonna get cold?” I asked worried.

“Dun worry about me, plus it’s not that cold” he replied as he started driving.
I couldn’t take the a7med things out of my mind, I sat there worried n constantly thinking about him and trying to come up with something that will make him stay but no point. I still don’t know what to do. Mayed looked at me and held my hand tightly while he drove. We got to the beach n mayed got out of the car to come n open my door, n when he did he pulled me n carried me like a baby in his arms and started running towards the water.

“MAAAYED PUT MEE DOWN” I started screaming n laughing at the same time, he couldn’t stop laughing at my reaction. But he kept on running anyway, he got in the water and when it reached his knees he stopped.

“Hmmm should I Throw you in Or Not?” he asked with an evil smile on his face.


“OoooPs Wrong answer” he let Out a Loud Laugh.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Part 8 -*

Part 8
Scrambled Hearts

“ What do u Want? Just ask n I’ll answer” I said breathless and extremely tired

“who do u want to be with? Tell him I’m the one u love not him!” Said a7med Furious.

“Hind am The One u want to spend your Life with, think of all the times he hurt you! I would never do That to u!” Mayed Said trying to make me stay with him.

I didn’t know who to pick, I Care about them both deeply, n I don’t want to see any of them get hurt, This is Very Hard!!

“SHE’S MINE” a7med start pulling my Arm.

“GET YOUR HAND OFF OF HER!!!!” mayed started pulling my other arm, and it hurt so badly that I actually thought they were Going to get Cut Off ..

I let out a loud shriek, That’s When I Woke Up!

“OMG!” it Felt so Real that I couldn’t help but let my tears pour down my face, I Cried so hard That my sister who was walking by the door heard me, I heard two knocks on the door.

“come in” I said whipping my tears of my cheek

“Hun Wat’s wrong?” 79a asked in concern.

“I don’t know what to do 79oo, I’m so in love with mayed, but I also love a7med could that possibly happen?”

“Wow, hmmm I think you should stay with the one who would promise not to hurt you, the one who would make you smile, and most importantly the one who would love you the most n who cant live without u.” 79a didn’t really like a7med because of was he has done to me, but she had a point.

“Thnxx 79aa U made a Couple Of things Clear, am Going to work out everything right now” I gave her a huge hug, she got up and as she was headed to the door I Dialed 7amda’s number.

It rang three times n she answered.

“Helloooowwww” She answered.

“7amdOh I know who to pick now, 79oo9 made everything Clear” I said very excited for the first time.

“Omg FINALLY! So who is it going to be?” she asked.

“Just Wait n See” I felt so relieved that I finally figured it Out.

“Allah y3een, looks like you’re planning for some trouble aren’t you?”

“well, Like I Said n always will Say I Make them Boys go loco hhhhhhh, ok now I gotta get to work , bye ” I don’t know what was up with me I was so hyper.

I hung Up the phone n got ready, fixed my voice a bit, took a deep breath n dialed the number, it rang but no one answered, I felt bummed for a while but that’s when he called back.


“Helloow” I answered very confident.

“heyy” he replied .

“Baby I Love you” I Said.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Part 7 -*

Part 7
Scrambled Hearts

I Woke Up with a slight headache, The harsh vibration of the blackberry woke me up.
“Omg, he’s calling, what should I do WHAT SHOULD I DO?” I figured answering was the best solution.

** e7777777mm **

I answered. “ALooo” I was trying so hard not to show him that I was sleeping

“Riiise n Shine Lazy” I can tell he was in a good mood today.

“How are ya?” I felt kind of nervous because it was like the first time he calls me when he doesn’t HAVE TO.

“B5air damich b5air” he said, with the most amazing morning voice I ever heard..

I felt kind of awkward when he said that, but it felt pretty good it made me feel Quite special, a7med made me feel like that sometimes , but he would ignore me the rest of the time. There was something about mayed that was attracting me to him, the way he makes me feel special, like I was the only one he has, like no one would take my place, but I guess it’s too soon to tell , after all I’ve known him for just 1 day.

“Are u there?” he asked, since I stayed quiet for a long time.

“Yeah, I was just thinking about a couple of things” I answered calmly

“Let me guess, mmmmm ME and ME! Right? Am I right or am I right?” he was so cute when he acted so confident.

“Dun be so Sure Of yourself” I Said jokingly “well one of the things was you.”

“Owh really?” he asked

“Yeah” I said with a wide smile on my face. I found it funny that I said one of the things was him when he’s been the only thing on my mind since yesterday.

“Mmm Hind” he was more serious now.

“Yeah?” I replied.

“I Think I’m in Love with u” he said, hesitated and started talking again “I Know this is too soon to say, but I just couldn’t stop thinking about u since yesterday, Ur smile, ur Voice, ur laugh, Everything about you is amazing, just the thought of you makes me go crazy, like I want to see you again and touch ur face!”

That shocked me, I didn’t know what to think, my mind was on pause for like 2 minutes, I didn’t know what to say or what to do ?! Should I tell him I loved him back when I just really like him, or should I Just Shut up and act like nothing happened? Crap I don’t know what to do!

After a long time of silence, he finally spoke again “Hanood, I really don’t want you to hate me because of this, but I needed to say it, it was eating me up”

“I don’t know what to say” I Replied.

“I know I know it’s too early for that, am sorry” I felt the disappointment in his voice. For Some reason it hurt me to do that to him, he was, SPECIAL.

“But Mayood” I didn’t know what to say, I just didn’t want him to get upset!
“3yOonii?!” he replied.

I wasn’t prepared for that answer, it really shook me up, he said it with all his heart I just felt it, n I couldn’t Help But Say “I Love u 2”.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Part 6 -*

Part 6
Scrambled hearts

I started getting nervous, something bad was about to happen

“Hanood do u Know this Guy?” Mayed asked..

“am Her Boyfriend” a7med replied .. I can see that he was pretty upset

“EX-boyfriend” I corrected a7med “actually am kinda here on a date .. Mayed this is a7med, a7med this is mayed” I tried to act very normal.. To show mayed that I was confident that a7med and I weren’t together.. And on the other side to Show a7med that I’m totally over him which is so not true ..

“A DATE?! How.. ?! When did? Wow I didn’t expect that!” now he was shocked.. I didn’t know what else to say ..

“Lisn, u Had your Chance n you blew it, now can we go on with Our Date ?!” mayed was talking to a7med

A7med Came towards mayed n poked Him “Don’t think u Can fool her with your Pretty Eyes ... She’s Gonna Come back to me !”

“Stop it U Guys! .. Mayed common We missed The beginning Of the movie.. Let’s Go Babe” I was Pulling mayed’s Hands.. I was silent for a second.. Dumbfounded Of what I said , it slipped out of my mouth *how the heck did I say that ?! * I thought to myself.. I lifted up my head to see a7meds eyes filled with Rage n anger.. N mayed was staring at me, I couldn’t tell if he was shocked Or if he was Glad.. I let go Of his Hand n started walking towards the escalator , I felt so embarrassed I didn’t know really what to do except walk, I could hear mayeds footsteps behind me getting closer n faster ..

“Hanood .. !!” as he caught up with me he said amused “Babe haa ?!”..

I felt the blood running through my face From all the awkwardness, it wasn’t really awkward for him as it was for me.. I stayed Quiet until we got to the theater, we didn’t get anything to eat since we already ate, we just got drinks in case we got thirsty, of course he sat next to me, I felt very nervous for a while and then I started babbling throughout the movie and near the End I felt his hands holding on to mine .. he looked me in the eyes n kept on staring.. n finally Said ..

“U stole my heart from the moment I Met u ... u’re The most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen ...” he tightened his grasp On my Hand n I felt my pulse through my neck.. The way he looked was so angelic like someone from a fairytale.. He was so handsome that I Couldn’t handle looking at him.. Because if I Did I’ll keep On staring n I won’t stop ..

Finally The Movie was Over n he was still holding on to my hand.. He helped me get up n walked me down the stairs.. I felt like a princess walking with him.. He walked me to The Car where 7amda was eagerly waiting to know what happened.. n who was shocked when she saw me coming out of the mall with mayed holding my hand .. he Open the door for me n sat me in the car and held my face with his amazingly warm palms..

“From Now On U’re mine ... I won’t take no for an answer” he winked at me n left ..

“SPILL IT!!!!” 7amda said still shocked..

“7amdOh I Think am Starting To REALLY like This Guy !” now I was shocked myself ..

I told her everything happened at the mall.. N she got really excited for me that I’m finally getting to know someone new.. but does that mean that I forgot a7med completely? I love him more than anything in the whole world , how could I be over him so easily ?! .. 7amda dropped me at home , I went up to my room , took a warm bath , put On my PJs , n threw myself on the bed , i Found it very weird that I couldn’t stop thinking about mayed .. a7med hardly came on my mind, I cant stop imagining mayeds warm palms on my face , the way he held my hand , n the way he stood up to a7med .. Could I possibly Love him?.. * No no Nowaay.. my heart belongs to a7med and no one else * I thought to myself , and that only confused me even more , was I starting to fall in love with mayed ?! .. do I still love a7med ?! what’s gonna happen to a7med if I didn’t want to get back together with him n just wanted mayed in my life ?! my mind was filled with Questions that couldn’t be answered easily ..

“GOD this love thing is driving me insane ...” I Was distracted by the SMS sound on The Blackberry.. It was a message from mayed.. a message that I read all night until I fell asleep ..

*Did My heart love till now? For swear at Sight.. For I never saw true beauty till this night*

Monday, December 21, 2009

Part 5 -*

Part 5
Scrambled hearts

I Felt scared, not ready for whatever’s going to happen at the mall .. but 7amdoOh wasn’t any help either she kept on nagging me about doing it, and its just so annoying so I said yes .. but what if a7med saw me ?! What if he came up to me and started talking .. what should I do?! Ignore him and just go on with my date , Or start chatting ?!

“GOD !!!” everything started getting really confusing ..

“now What ?!!!” 7amda replied .. Pretty annoyed by me nagging about going back home

“7amda plzz understand that I Cant do this its very hard for me .. I Cant Hurt him like that” .. I started pleading ..

“n what about all the times he hurt u , what about all the time you slept over n cried all night over him , what about your sleepless nights ?!! did u forget that he did that to u ?! .. do u want to get hurt again” I can sense the tension in her voice while she spoke ..

I couldn’t reply, cuz she was right ! .. he put me through so much pain .. why should I put up with it any longer ?! finally we got to the mall .. we decided to go for dinner and a movie .. 7amdoh was going to leave me alone unfortunately ! .. but ofcourse she’ll be telling me what to do on the BBm .. n where a7med was exactly ..

“here we Go” I said .. as I got out of the car extremely worried about what’s going to happen
“good luck .. Fingers Crossed” .. 7amda replied in excitement ..

I made my way to Biella where we were supposed to meet for Dinner .. I felt hesitant to call .. but I did anyway ..

“hellow.. ?!” Said a guy .. his voice Soo amazing that I melted in place .. !!

“Mayed ?! ..” I asked .. with a little fear in my voice ..

“Yeah .. Lemme Guess Hind Right ?!” .. Wow I didn’t expect that he was waiting for my call ..
“yess .. mmm 7mda told me to …”

“am sitting near the window on the Other side am waiting ..” he sounded so confident.. his confidence scared me ..

“ok , bye ..” I hung up the phone n headed to the table
I looked around , n I found him sitting on the corner beside the window .. He lifted his head n smiled ..

he was STUNNING ! His eyes were Dark brown .. he had golden hair ,a Fit Body, n the cutest dimples I have ever seen .. I was shocked I stood in place admiring his perfect features ..

“knock knock, are you there?” He Said jokingly

“mmmm Owh Yeah .. Srryy” my face turned extremely red , I felt like it was burning up ..

“Wow .. 7amda told me that u were pretty but she didn’t really mention that you Were Gorgeous” He said as soon as I Sat down .. My face was already extremely red , n he wasn’t making it any better.. he kept on staring at me .. n I couldn’t take my eyes of him , my heart was striking inside my Chest , I felt the urge to just sit here for a long long time .. the sound of my blackberry messenger snapped Us both out of it .. he pretended like he was checking his phone .. n I quickly checked my bbm .. it was a msg from 7mda “hows everything so far?” I Txted bak “gr8” .. Mayed n I started talking through Out the whole dinner, he was pretty interesting and we had a lot in common .. time passed by so quickly n before we knew it , it was 9:30pm ..Mayed Payed the bill , when I got another bbm massage ..

“excuse me ..” The message was from 7mda “he’s infront of the Ticket cashier at the cenima” .. I just remembered that a7med was here at the mall , I completely forgot about it .. Crap!

Our Movie was starting at 9:45pm so we had to rush to the theater I really wasn’t ready to see a7med yet .. I was enjoying this date .. A LOT ! .. we got to the cinema n I saw him, n my heart started beating so hard .. he didn’t notice me yet ..

“am Just gonna go get the tickets .. I wont take long” mayed said with his amazing voice .. that I couldn’t handle but smile whenever he spoke

“hanood ?!” a7meds voice was right behind me .. which startled me , I turned around to see him , he was confused wondering why am alone .. “ wain 7amdoh 3anch .. ?! u’re here roo7ich ?” he asked

I didn’t answer him .. That’s when mayed came back ..

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Part 4 -*

Part 4
Scrambled Hearts <>

I woke Up feeling that something was very wrong today.

“Ohh Craap …!!!! It’s Thursday!! “I Yelled ... I Threw myself On The bed n wasn’t even close to think about getting up ..!!

I had no Idea about the guy 7mdOooh was hooking me up with. !! N I kinda changed my mind ..A7med is always on my mind. I Can’t hurt Him its kills me to hurt him !! .. I haven’t heard anything from Him Since that day in school, is he alright?! .. Bad thoughts ran through my mind so quickly. Is he over me? Did he forget me that easily?! As soon as that thought went through my mind I heard a knock on the window. I went to check out what’s happening … He was standing under my window asking me to open it... I hesitated at first and refused, but he kept on begging until I gave up n opened it. Since Our house wasn’t that huge, he didn’t really find it hard to climb up.

“Babe” He said, Breathless..

“What do u want?! Why are u here, to ruin everything even more ?!” I said pissed off .. !!

“Just lisn to me plz ..!! Why are u being so harsh? I really want to fix everything plzz Just forgive me. !! ..” Now he was imploring. I couldn’t handle seeing him broken like this. But I couldn’t forgive him for all the times he broke me.

“I just can’t ………” I didn’t get to finish my sentence when he pushed me on the bed.. N layed on top of me .. I could feel the threat in his breath n his looks, but he was so close to me that I never wanted to get up. He brushed his nose softly on my neck, making his way up to my Lips. My heart went Crazy, my mind stopped thinking, my whole body was numb, he got so close to my lips n pulled away, I stayed On the bed not even looking at him ..

“U Just Don’t get how much I love u ... Do u?!” he asked quietly.

No Answer …

I Can Hear my heartbeats loud n clear .. The way he looks, His Brown Hair, his Tanned Skin , His Honey Eyes , His Body .. Everything about him Make me Go insane!

“I think u Should Leave now ..” I said hesitantly.

“I think I should” He came up closer to me .. And gave me a kiss On the Cheek “U’re Still mine whatever u do...” he sounded more confident now.

As he made his way down the window. I was already on my bed quickly Dialing 7amdo’s number.

Its rang twice, n then she answered..

“I Can’t do it ... I really can’t, I thought I would handle it but I cant, Am a chicken” I Said before she got the chance to say anything.

“Wha..?! .. Whh…?! Whyyyyyyyy?! ..” .. All the excitement disappeared from her tone. All she was left with was astonishment. That I was really excited for 2day. What could have possibly changed my mind?!

I told her what happened.. N she didn’t say a word.. It was rlly quiet for a While .. Then She Said
“Get up, get dressed.. Am picking u up right now.. n U’re gonna do what I told u about , the guy is waiting”

“Buut”.. She Cut me Off b4 I got to continue my sentence..

“No Buts missy ... Yalla..!”

“Fiiiiiine” I sighed...

I got up took a shower, and went looking through my closet to find something to wear , I pulled a pink Strapless Mini Dress That had a Very cute cut near the Waist .. n wore my gorgeous Black ballet Shoes .. I Curled Up my hair, put on some make up.. n I was Set to go ..
I heard the Blackberry ringing (incoming Call From “TwinTii <3”)

“Haa 7mdooh?!” I Answered

“Yallaaaa am Out, 6l3iii”

“Alright ... am already on my way Out” I said.. Not in the mood for anything ..
( Dun Forget The Comments )

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Part 3 -*

Part 3
Scrambled Hearts

“ I’m gonna hook you up with some one new .. n plan a Date that we know a7med is going to be there at the same place and the same time .. “ She said with excitement about her genius plan ..

“ But .. I dun want any1 else.. I love him I’m always gonna love him “ I said .. though I was shattered into bits of what he did .. but I still can’t forget the good times we had together n all the love I felt n always will feel ..

“just trust me on this one .. a Guy Craves For what he can’t have “ she gave me a wink n left as soon as she saw her driver’s car pulling up in the parking lot ..

I turned around to go look for 79aa who I had no idea where she was .. n there he was standing surrounded by all his friends .. he turned to look at me and when he noticed that I was looking at him he started walking up to me .. I could feel my heart racing through my chest .. I looked down instantly n pretended to go through my bag pack .. but no point he still came anyway , I felt his warm palm lifting up my face .. n a very soft kiss On my cheek .. I stood still for a second , shocked , he never did that to me in public when we were together , why now ?!! .. I felt the rush of adrenaline in my body .. all the emotions were mixed up inside of me ..

“Just Lisn to me !! .. I Love u” a7med Said .. there was a tone of sadness in his voice .. but I didn’t know whether to believe him or not ..

“ LIER” the words rushed out of my mouth b4 I even got a chance to think about them .. I was appalled with what I said .. so I just picked up my books n went looking for 79aa .. Tears Poured out of my eyes as I searched the school hallways .. hoping to find my sister as soon as possible so I could tell her what’s within me .. I finally found her in the schools newspapers office ..

“ 79aaa yalla we need to leave bsr3aa .. !!! “ with tears gushing through my face .. She was Extremely worried .. she came up to me and started shaking me ..

“Hanood baLaaCh .. ?! Shuuu 9aayer?! “ she was worried

“nothing I’ll tell u fel sayara Just Walk “ I pulled her arm n started heading to the car .. I told her everything as soon as we got in it.. all my sister did was hug me, because she knew that if she said anything it would only make it worse .. I went up to my bed room as soon as we got to the house , I took a warm bath n calmed myself .. I got myself together n called 7amda..
“Aloooo ...? “ She answered .. Excited as usual..

“7mdOoh .. am ready, Call the guy u’re gonna hook me up with .. !” I Sighed..

“Yaaaaayyy .. I was waiting For This.. Affa 3laich ma6elabtyy “ I Barely heard the rest from all the screaming that was happening from enthusiasm .. I dun know wat’s up with this Girl I’ve known her for 10 years n I never saw her depressed.. The exact opposite of me..

“Okay soo I heard that a7med will be at the mall on Thursday .. R u Ready For it?!” She asked
“I’ve been born ready” I felt the urge to torture him just like he’s Doing to me …

( Dont Forget 2 Comment n vOte EveryOne )

Friday, December 18, 2009

Part 2 -*

Part 2
Scrambled Hearts

It was right there in front of me, full of colors, I can smell it from all the way across the hall.. I ran up to it... a Huge Bouquet Of flowers was there in front of me , I had no idea who is it from , Or why was it even there in front of my locker .. Or even if it was for me!! I saw a card hanging from the right side of the basket I slowly pulled it n opened it..

It Said:
“Hun plz forgive me for what I have done ... I promise I will never ever hurt u again.. I was such an idiot for letting u go.. I will never find a girl like u .. to care for me as much as u did ..
I felt like my eyes were moisting up, I felt it in my Heart! PAIN, But at the same Time I got the butterflies in my stomach n the Goosebumps on my Skin, I threw my tears Quickly b4 anyone could see me, I tore the Card n just moved the bouquet out of my way n Opened my locker, I found another note in side.. I opened it.

It Said:
“Still didn’t forgive me?
Turn around;*”
I felt confused for a second, my mind filled with questions that need to be answered, I Thought about it for like a minute n then I turned around, n as soon as I Did, I felt a sudden push against my body toward the locker, his body was so close to me that I could hear his heartbeats, his face was so close that I could feel his breath On my Skin, he looked at me Quietly ..

“plz I need u in my life ..” He said in a low tone, n getting even closer to me

“Get away from me, Bntmashkal bSbatk!” I said ... Trying to resist the fact that I never want him to leave.
“I’m gonna Get u back w btshoofeen ... U r mine!” His Tone was getting more intense as he left.

I stood there for a minute trying to recall what just happened. I thought to myself...*how does he want me after all he did to me? After all the heart ache he put me through. ?! * I got my books n headed to class with a billion questions Juggling through my mind, what am I supposed to do ?!.. Just forgive him easily? Or just try to forget about him n move on?! ..But how could I move on when he’s doing THIS!
I sat in class, looking at the view outside of the window n not having a clue about what the teacher’s saying..

“Ouch” something hit me on the head, I turned around n I saw a paper ball on the ground, n 7mda pointing at the paper n asking me to read it, I opened the paper.

“BaalaCh Sar7anh?”

“Nothing I Just have a Headache ...” I Wrote Back to her, n again I felt a hit on my head. I opened the paper n read:
“La ... That’s not how u look when u have a headache ... I know u 9arli 10 yrs now ... I memorized every expression on your face. Did he do anything?!!"

I wrote her what happened on the the paper. And as soon as she read it I felt like her face expressions changed 180 degrees. N her eyes opened wide, her jaw dropped open, and she gave me a look that I couldn’t really understand like she was planning For something evil, Allah y3een.

As soon as the bell rang announcing that school was over for today *FINALLY*, she pulled me out of the class, n pushed me against the wall n said.

“I Know Exactly what to do to make him EXTREMELY jealous n we can c if he really loves u Or not “ .. She was really excited about it I didn’t know whether to be scared or excited about what’s going to happen.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Scrambled Hearts - Part 1

Part 1 -*
Finally.. I started feeling like I got a hold of my breath again.. But I still feel my heart screaming within me.. Like its begging for me to let it Out for a 5 minute break, But it’s so hard For me just to forget what happened.. The way he talked, the way I looked, the way it happened.. Now it all feels like a dream, like none of that was even real.. But unfortunately it was Cuz the pain inside me was bigger than any1 could ever imagine. He left me, broken hearted, alone, & depressed...
You might think that I’m Crazy right?! .. Saying stuff that doesn’t really make sense?! .. Dun worry U’ll Understand.
Outa nowhere my Blackberry started ringing... (Incoming Call from “Babe <3”).>

“Hellow?!” I Said ... with a barely heard Voice.
No answer …

“Mmmm Hellloooow?!” I repeated
“Am sorry Babe .. I didn’t mean it, I dun know what happened to me, I Can’t bare living without u, Its eating me up inside... I can’t handle …..”
“But this happens every time ... U break me down n u expect me to easily come bak to u .. n I’m such an idiot for coming back” I Cut him off b4 he continued .. I don’t know what happened to me suddenly I feel strong n confident “u never really loved me ... I don’t know why you’re wasting your precious time On me ...”
“But Hanood ...” he wanted to say something
“A7mad that’s it I can’t take it anymore ... u make me believe every Word u say n then u go n do the opposite .. What do u want me to believe, That you’re Going to stay with me Forever?! .. That you wouldn’t leave me for the world?! .. That u won’t hurt me? Well guess what BABE.You already killed me so many times that I lost count. Am sorry bs maroom at7amal akthar 3n chee”. I hung up the phone..
He called again .. n again .. n again .. I felt warm tears rushing thru my face, With a salty taste on my lips, I felt like my whole world is going to fall on me any second now , I kept on crying till there was no more tears left .. I felt like the world is spinning, n b4 I can even think about anything I fell asleep.
The piercing sound woke me up. My alarm was going off, reminding me that it’s time for school, I woke up took a shower, Put On my Jeans, my fave Pink Jumper, n my shoes. I Went up to the mirror to c my eyes swollen from all the crying last night I put On some ch7al, eyeliner n some mascara , n I was off to school .. My sister was waiting for me by the door.
“Mab’3aityy t5al9eeen ... I’ve been waiting here For Like n Hour!!” She yelled ..
“am Sorry .. I didn’t get a good sleep Last night >.<” my face filled with sorrow n agony
“Dun tell me! Thaaat bastard did it again?!!! …” she asked

My sister was with me thru everything, though she’s two yrs Older than me but we’re practically twins.

“79aai9 I really dun wanna talk about it.” I sighed.
“Oki yalla 5alna inraw7 3n yakloona now ...”

Our mum dropped us at school as usual, And soon as I Got to school I headed to my locker.

“OMG ... wt the ...? “ I Was Shocked ..