Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Part 7 -*

Part 7
Scrambled Hearts

I Woke Up with a slight headache, The harsh vibration of the blackberry woke me up.
“Omg, he’s calling, what should I do WHAT SHOULD I DO?” I figured answering was the best solution.

** e7777777mm **

I answered. “ALooo” I was trying so hard not to show him that I was sleeping

“Riiise n Shine Lazy” I can tell he was in a good mood today.

“How are ya?” I felt kind of nervous because it was like the first time he calls me when he doesn’t HAVE TO.

“B5air damich b5air” he said, with the most amazing morning voice I ever heard..

I felt kind of awkward when he said that, but it felt pretty good it made me feel Quite special, a7med made me feel like that sometimes , but he would ignore me the rest of the time. There was something about mayed that was attracting me to him, the way he makes me feel special, like I was the only one he has, like no one would take my place, but I guess it’s too soon to tell , after all I’ve known him for just 1 day.

“Are u there?” he asked, since I stayed quiet for a long time.

“Yeah, I was just thinking about a couple of things” I answered calmly

“Let me guess, mmmmm ME and ME! Right? Am I right or am I right?” he was so cute when he acted so confident.

“Dun be so Sure Of yourself” I Said jokingly “well one of the things was you.”

“Owh really?” he asked

“Yeah” I said with a wide smile on my face. I found it funny that I said one of the things was him when he’s been the only thing on my mind since yesterday.

“Mmm Hind” he was more serious now.

“Yeah?” I replied.

“I Think I’m in Love with u” he said, hesitated and started talking again “I Know this is too soon to say, but I just couldn’t stop thinking about u since yesterday, Ur smile, ur Voice, ur laugh, Everything about you is amazing, just the thought of you makes me go crazy, like I want to see you again and touch ur face!”

That shocked me, I didn’t know what to think, my mind was on pause for like 2 minutes, I didn’t know what to say or what to do ?! Should I tell him I loved him back when I just really like him, or should I Just Shut up and act like nothing happened? Crap I don’t know what to do!

After a long time of silence, he finally spoke again “Hanood, I really don’t want you to hate me because of this, but I needed to say it, it was eating me up”

“I don’t know what to say” I Replied.

“I know I know it’s too early for that, am sorry” I felt the disappointment in his voice. For Some reason it hurt me to do that to him, he was, SPECIAL.

“But Mayood” I didn’t know what to say, I just didn’t want him to get upset!
“3yOonii?!” he replied.

I wasn’t prepared for that answer, it really shook me up, he said it with all his heart I just felt it, n I couldn’t Help But Say “I Love u 2”.

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