Monday, December 21, 2009

Part 5 -*

Part 5
Scrambled hearts

I Felt scared, not ready for whatever’s going to happen at the mall .. but 7amdoOh wasn’t any help either she kept on nagging me about doing it, and its just so annoying so I said yes .. but what if a7med saw me ?! What if he came up to me and started talking .. what should I do?! Ignore him and just go on with my date , Or start chatting ?!

“GOD !!!” everything started getting really confusing ..

“now What ?!!!” 7amda replied .. Pretty annoyed by me nagging about going back home

“7amda plzz understand that I Cant do this its very hard for me .. I Cant Hurt him like that” .. I started pleading ..

“n what about all the times he hurt u , what about all the time you slept over n cried all night over him , what about your sleepless nights ?!! did u forget that he did that to u ?! .. do u want to get hurt again” I can sense the tension in her voice while she spoke ..

I couldn’t reply, cuz she was right ! .. he put me through so much pain .. why should I put up with it any longer ?! finally we got to the mall .. we decided to go for dinner and a movie .. 7amdoh was going to leave me alone unfortunately ! .. but ofcourse she’ll be telling me what to do on the BBm .. n where a7med was exactly ..

“here we Go” I said .. as I got out of the car extremely worried about what’s going to happen
“good luck .. Fingers Crossed” .. 7amda replied in excitement ..

I made my way to Biella where we were supposed to meet for Dinner .. I felt hesitant to call .. but I did anyway ..

“hellow.. ?!” Said a guy .. his voice Soo amazing that I melted in place .. !!

“Mayed ?! ..” I asked .. with a little fear in my voice ..

“Yeah .. Lemme Guess Hind Right ?!” .. Wow I didn’t expect that he was waiting for my call ..
“yess .. mmm 7mda told me to …”

“am sitting near the window on the Other side am waiting ..” he sounded so confident.. his confidence scared me ..

“ok , bye ..” I hung up the phone n headed to the table
I looked around , n I found him sitting on the corner beside the window .. He lifted his head n smiled ..

he was STUNNING ! His eyes were Dark brown .. he had golden hair ,a Fit Body, n the cutest dimples I have ever seen .. I was shocked I stood in place admiring his perfect features ..

“knock knock, are you there?” He Said jokingly

“mmmm Owh Yeah .. Srryy” my face turned extremely red , I felt like it was burning up ..

“Wow .. 7amda told me that u were pretty but she didn’t really mention that you Were Gorgeous” He said as soon as I Sat down .. My face was already extremely red , n he wasn’t making it any better.. he kept on staring at me .. n I couldn’t take my eyes of him , my heart was striking inside my Chest , I felt the urge to just sit here for a long long time .. the sound of my blackberry messenger snapped Us both out of it .. he pretended like he was checking his phone .. n I quickly checked my bbm .. it was a msg from 7mda “hows everything so far?” I Txted bak “gr8” .. Mayed n I started talking through Out the whole dinner, he was pretty interesting and we had a lot in common .. time passed by so quickly n before we knew it , it was 9:30pm ..Mayed Payed the bill , when I got another bbm massage ..

“excuse me ..” The message was from 7mda “he’s infront of the Ticket cashier at the cenima” .. I just remembered that a7med was here at the mall , I completely forgot about it .. Crap!

Our Movie was starting at 9:45pm so we had to rush to the theater I really wasn’t ready to see a7med yet .. I was enjoying this date .. A LOT ! .. we got to the cinema n I saw him, n my heart started beating so hard .. he didn’t notice me yet ..

“am Just gonna go get the tickets .. I wont take long” mayed said with his amazing voice .. that I couldn’t handle but smile whenever he spoke

“hanood ?!” a7meds voice was right behind me .. which startled me , I turned around to see him , he was confused wondering why am alone .. “ wain 7amdoh 3anch .. ?! u’re here roo7ich ?” he asked

I didn’t answer him .. That’s when mayed came back ..

1 comment:

  1. ooooooo me like like so farr :), mashalla ur a good writer


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