Monday, December 28, 2009

Part 10 -*

Part 10
Scrambled hearts <>

All I heard was a splash and the next thing I knew I was screaming and soaking wet. I hated him for that, well not really hated him but just felt the urge to kill him *uughh* he started laughing hysterically, I didn’t even talk to him I just got up and started walking, I heard his footstep behind me but didn’t really pay much attention to him. He ran n stood in front of me so I would stop too.

“7yaatii am sorry, I was just fooling around” he said with a puppy face.

I didn’t answer him. I was shaking because of the cold weather, n I felt like I couldn’t move my lips to speak. He came up to me and gave me a hug.

“Baby U’re Freezing!!” he said worried.

“Thanks to you” I said in a shaking voice.

“Omg am sorry baby, I’m really sorry! Come Here” he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against his chest, he was so warm that I wanted to stay like that forever. I couldn’t think about anything, for once I was in a happy place, a place that no one can get me out of. It was silent for a while all I heard was the splashing waves and his heart beats which were both very comforting, I felt so secure being in his arms like no harm can ever come near me. Suddenly he let go of me and ran to the car.

“Just Wait here I’ll be right back” he said as he ran.

He came back with a jacket in his hands which he made me wear, after a while I started feeling warm, he held me close to his body by my waist as we walked along the shore, it was so peaceful and quiet that I forgot everything. As it started to get dark we sat at the beach watching the sunset, mayed looked at me pushed up my chin very lightly.

“I Love u like I’ve never loved any1 else, you became the reason why I wake up happy every morning” he Said while holding me tightly to his chest. We just sat there watching the sunset and neither of us talked, we embraced the beauty of the view and of everything around us, it became dark very quickly. I Lifted up my arm to see the time.

“Wow its 8 already?!” I Said surprised. The time flew by so Quickly, I didn’t feel like it was that long that I sat with mayed. U know this feeling... When you’re very safe and nothing can ever harm you, like U’re in an invisible bubble, which nothing can come thru it? That’s how I Felt, mayed was my bubble.

“Ya 7yati, u need to head home?” he asked so calmly.

“if you don’t mind 7beeby, mum will call me any time now” I really didn’t want to leave, and my mum wasn’t really the issue, the thing is I wanted to go back home n get my mind straight and think about how I’m going to let a7med stay. Here all that’s taking over my mind is Mayed, I pretty much can’t think about anything else.

“Okay babe, Get up” he was already standing offering to help me get up. I held his hand so tightly as I got up and didn’t let go, he pulled me closer to him, he brushed a lock of hair off my face n got his face closer to mine, he kissed my forehead very lightly.

“You can call it madness, but I call it love” he said, lifting my face Up and looking straight into my eyes. “I LOVE YOU”.

I couldn’t see it, but I think my face turned into an extremly red fire Truck. I Felt like I wanna go anywhere and hide because Of my shyness. I didn’t Know what to say, I just smiled n said “I love u 2” with a silly smile on my face.

Then He grabbed my hand, and we walked slowly to the car not wanting this day to end. We Sat in The Car n I felt very tired so I leaned my head on his shoulder and he grabbed my hand as he drove with the other. We got to the house really quickly which made me kind of blue. But after an amazing Day Like that, everything was perfect. OH CRAP!! Other than the fact that a7med is traveling at 10:00am!

*I’ll take a shower, head to bed n wake up in the morning To see what I’m Going to do* I thought to myself.

1 comment:

  1. aaaaahh, 7aram a7med! bs let him die a7sn :P after all that he did to hind :'( ! :P wain 7mdow?! i miss her =p!



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