Sunday, December 27, 2009

Part 9 -*

Part 9
Scrambled hearts

“I Love you 2 hunny, what’s with all the excitement?” mayed replied

“I just love you so much, u know when I talk to you I feel like nothing is ever wrong, like everything is perfect, 7yati I need You to promise to always stay by my side” I said.

“Of course I will, n don’t you ever think that u won’t find me whenever you need me.”I felt like what he said was really from the heart and I couldn’t help but let out a wide smile. “Owh btw babe Can I See u 2day?” he asked.

“Of course, Where?” I asked innocently.

“Mmmm I haven’t been to the beach in a long time, wanna go?” He replied.

“Yeah sure” I said joyfully.

“Great, get ready am gonna pick you up in half an hour. “Love u babe”.

“Ok 7beebi, Love you too” I felt like I was on top of the world when he said that, like nothing can bring me down. “Drive Safely Hun”.

I hung up the Phone and I was off to the shower, took a quick bath and headed to the closet and got out my baby blue juicy training suite n put it on, fixed my hair into a pony tail, put some eyeliner n mascara and I was set to go. I felt so excited that I’m going to c him today, so I just sat n waited. I heard my blackberry ringing, I ran up to it n checked the name of the caller, I felt confused when I saw that the caller was a7meds Sister fa6ma.

I answered quickly “hellow?”.

“Hii Hanood how r u?” she replied, I got a sudden feeling that something was wrong.
“Am fine, is everything Ok?” I asked quickly.

“Mmmm I really don’t know how to tell you this, but you’re the only one who can change a7meds mind, n I really needed to call you and tell you” she said with a tone I couldn’t really understand.

“What? What’s wrong with a7med?!” I felt a sudden sting in my heart.

“nothing is wrong with him, he just decided all of the sudden to travel n not come back, and his mind is set, he said n I quote *if hind doesn’t want me anymore, I have nothing to do in this place, I need to leave*, n we’ve been trying to change his mind but he is so stubborn” I felt like she was about to cry.

I quickly asked “when is he traveling?”.

“2morrow 10:00am, plz hind try whatever you can to make him stay, my mother is going insane” I felt the sorrow in her voice.

“I will as soon as I get back, thanks for telling me this” I said calmly.

“Don’t worry about it, n thnxxx a lot Hanood for doing this! U’re the only one who can change his mind!” she felt comforted by the fact that I’m going to talk to him.

“No worries I’m gonna try my best with him, kaih lisn I g2g now, talk to ya later bye” I Said in a rush when I saw that mayed was calling on the other line.

“Bye” She Said, I hung up quickly and answered mayed.

“Babe I’m out” he said as soon as I answered.

“I’m on my way , Love u” I wz practically running down the stairs from all the excitement though I was also worried about a7med, is he really going to travel and not come back just because I don’t want to be with him anymore? I didn’t think I meant that much to him! But after what? After all he put me through? Now he wants me back, but seriously it’s too late for that now. How weird is this guy! I seriously don’t know what I’m going to do to change his mind but I have to try anything with him. I Got to the car n saw mayed standing by my door, n as soon as I got closer to him he pulled me toward him, gave me a light kiss on the cheek and opened the door for me. He was wearing a black T-shirt, white shorts with a black cap n flip flops, and of course not to forget the ray Bann glasses. He Looked HOT!! I couldn’t resist giving him a huge hug n got in the car.

As soon as he got in the car he said “hellow gorgeous, Ready?”.

“Yup, baby aren’t u gonna get cold?” I asked worried.

“Dun worry about me, plus it’s not that cold” he replied as he started driving.
I couldn’t take the a7med things out of my mind, I sat there worried n constantly thinking about him and trying to come up with something that will make him stay but no point. I still don’t know what to do. Mayed looked at me and held my hand tightly while he drove. We got to the beach n mayed got out of the car to come n open my door, n when he did he pulled me n carried me like a baby in his arms and started running towards the water.

“MAAAYED PUT MEE DOWN” I started screaming n laughing at the same time, he couldn’t stop laughing at my reaction. But he kept on running anyway, he got in the water and when it reached his knees he stopped.

“Hmmm should I Throw you in Or Not?” he asked with an evil smile on his face.


“OoooPs Wrong answer” he let Out a Loud Laugh.

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