Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Part 6 -*

Part 6
Scrambled hearts

I started getting nervous, something bad was about to happen

“Hanood do u Know this Guy?” Mayed asked..

“am Her Boyfriend” a7med replied .. I can see that he was pretty upset

“EX-boyfriend” I corrected a7med “actually am kinda here on a date .. Mayed this is a7med, a7med this is mayed” I tried to act very normal.. To show mayed that I was confident that a7med and I weren’t together.. And on the other side to Show a7med that I’m totally over him which is so not true ..

“A DATE?! How.. ?! When did? Wow I didn’t expect that!” now he was shocked.. I didn’t know what else to say ..

“Lisn, u Had your Chance n you blew it, now can we go on with Our Date ?!” mayed was talking to a7med

A7med Came towards mayed n poked Him “Don’t think u Can fool her with your Pretty Eyes ... She’s Gonna Come back to me !”

“Stop it U Guys! .. Mayed common We missed The beginning Of the movie.. Let’s Go Babe” I was Pulling mayed’s Hands.. I was silent for a second.. Dumbfounded Of what I said , it slipped out of my mouth *how the heck did I say that ?! * I thought to myself.. I lifted up my head to see a7meds eyes filled with Rage n anger.. N mayed was staring at me, I couldn’t tell if he was shocked Or if he was Glad.. I let go Of his Hand n started walking towards the escalator , I felt so embarrassed I didn’t know really what to do except walk, I could hear mayeds footsteps behind me getting closer n faster ..

“Hanood .. !!” as he caught up with me he said amused “Babe haa ?!”..

I felt the blood running through my face From all the awkwardness, it wasn’t really awkward for him as it was for me.. I stayed Quiet until we got to the theater, we didn’t get anything to eat since we already ate, we just got drinks in case we got thirsty, of course he sat next to me, I felt very nervous for a while and then I started babbling throughout the movie and near the End I felt his hands holding on to mine .. he looked me in the eyes n kept on staring.. n finally Said ..

“U stole my heart from the moment I Met u ... u’re The most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen ...” he tightened his grasp On my Hand n I felt my pulse through my neck.. The way he looked was so angelic like someone from a fairytale.. He was so handsome that I Couldn’t handle looking at him.. Because if I Did I’ll keep On staring n I won’t stop ..

Finally The Movie was Over n he was still holding on to my hand.. He helped me get up n walked me down the stairs.. I felt like a princess walking with him.. He walked me to The Car where 7amda was eagerly waiting to know what happened.. n who was shocked when she saw me coming out of the mall with mayed holding my hand .. he Open the door for me n sat me in the car and held my face with his amazingly warm palms..

“From Now On U’re mine ... I won’t take no for an answer” he winked at me n left ..

“SPILL IT!!!!” 7amda said still shocked..

“7amdOh I Think am Starting To REALLY like This Guy !” now I was shocked myself ..

I told her everything happened at the mall.. N she got really excited for me that I’m finally getting to know someone new.. but does that mean that I forgot a7med completely? I love him more than anything in the whole world , how could I be over him so easily ?! .. 7amda dropped me at home , I went up to my room , took a warm bath , put On my PJs , n threw myself on the bed , i Found it very weird that I couldn’t stop thinking about mayed .. a7med hardly came on my mind, I cant stop imagining mayeds warm palms on my face , the way he held my hand , n the way he stood up to a7med .. Could I possibly Love him?.. * No no Nowaay.. my heart belongs to a7med and no one else * I thought to myself , and that only confused me even more , was I starting to fall in love with mayed ?! .. do I still love a7med ?! what’s gonna happen to a7med if I didn’t want to get back together with him n just wanted mayed in my life ?! my mind was filled with Questions that couldn’t be answered easily ..

“GOD this love thing is driving me insane ...” I Was distracted by the SMS sound on The Blackberry.. It was a message from mayed.. a message that I read all night until I fell asleep ..

*Did My heart love till now? For swear at Sight.. For I never saw true beauty till this night*


  1. awwww !! awwww !! awwww !! abaaa mayed as a bf !!!! <3 a7ebaaah !! mooot 8haaaar a7maad !! :@ mayed and hanoood r gonna staaay together forever right ?? !!! * fingers crossed * :D

  2. weee galbiii i loveee that last couple of lines yaaa i need to go back to middle east to find me a man like that ;)


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